Icing The Hype
Mar 04, 2007
All in a Good Cause – Mann-made global warming

By Orson Scott Card, Rhinoceros Times

Here’s a story you haven’t heard, and you should have.

An intelligence source, working for a government agency. He’s not a spy, he’s an analyst. He uses computers to crunch numbers and at the end of his work, out pops the truth that was hiding in the original data. Let’s call him “Mann.”

The trouble with Mann is, he has an ideology. He knows what he wants his results to be. And the original numbers aren’t giving him that data. So the agency he works for won’t be able to persuade people to fight the war he wants to fight. 

Feb 20, 2007
The Problems in Modeling Nature, With Its Unruly Natural Tendencies

Cornelia Dean, New York Times

Feb 20, 2007
Science Framers Despair as Global Warming Fails to Make it into Top Ten Us News Stories Framing Scie

Framing Science

Witness the analysis for the top most covered stories at the major news outlets over the last five weeks, as indexed by Pew.

Feb 13, 2007
Weatherman Cool to Global Warming

Scott Suttell, Crain’s Cleveland Business

Jan 18, 2007
The Weather Channel Mess

James Spann

Jan 06, 2007
Con Job at the Weather Channel

Melanie Morgan of WorldNetDaily sheds light on efforts by The Weather Channel to move away from scientific forecasting of the weather to sensationalized leftist political advocacy in her weekly column. 

Dec 07, 2006
Media advocates for alarmism rather than objectivity

Canada Free Press

WASHINGTON, DC – Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Chairman of the Environment & Public Works Committee, said today’s hearing about the media and climate change revealed that “Scare tactics should not drive public policy.” The hearing’s purpose was to examine the media’s presentation of climate science and featured scientists and media experts.

Oct 07, 2006
Global Warming: The Chilling Effect on Free Speech

Brendan O’Neill, Spiked Online

Whoever thought that serious commentators would want it made illegal to have a row about the weather? One Australian columnist has proposed outlawing ‘climate change denial’. 

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