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Tuesday, February 24, 2009
2009 International Conference on Climate Change

By Justin Berk, The Weather Examiner

Do you wonder if this Global Warming thing has been spun out of control by the media and now politicians?  Are you a skeptic about the human influence on something you believe is a natural process? Or for that matter, perhaps Earth’s climate might actually be cooling?

Over 31,000 American scientists have signed a treaty saying, “Global warming poses no crisis to Earth”.  At least in terms that this process is natural and something the planet has experienced before.

Stuart Chase (1888-1985), an American economist and engineer trained at MIT, is famous for writing the following statement:
“For those who believe, no proof is necessary.  For those who don’t, no proof is possible.”

Chase was the originator of the expression a New Deal, which became identified with the economic programs of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. So it is fitting that this concept applies to today’s economic and political digression. Our congress just approved the $787 Billion ‘stimulus bill’.  It is largest spending spree in history, and it also contains billions of dollars diverted to programs based on combating climate change.  Money that many scientists and economists say will be wasted.  Don’t get me wrong.  Conservation is good.  Improving efficiency and controlling waste is good.  Exploring alternative energy is also good.  But too many questions are still left undebated.

So is it that simple, or should it be?  Is the human influence on climate change just a black and white issue?  Believe or be a denier? According to the foundations of the scientific method: A theory must continue to be tested.  When it is proven, then it becomes law.  No law has been stated with climate change!

The purpose of this post is to inform you about a conference next month in New York City.  Watch the video and please share your thoughts.  I will continue to provide more information in the next few days with support to continue the discussions and scientific debate. Read more here.


Posted on 02/24 at 03:44 PM
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