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Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Blizzard in the central then on Ground Hog Day - dejavu ‘all over again’ in the northeast


Today is Ground Hog Day. In the east, the rodent may be met with shotguns instead of flashing cameras.

Snow just keeps on coming. Like in the movie, when the alarm goes off, residents seem to reliving the events of yesterday or last week or the week before. They put on their boots and reach for the shovel or snowblower. One storm today and another tonight and tomorrow, for some another Saturday. After a half foot of snow or some ice today, the main storm coming out of the southern plains and midwest where it produced an ice storm in Texas where many are trying to converge on Dallas for the Super Bowl. Further north its blizzard conditions from Oklahoma, Missouri to Chicago,




then becomes a weakening low pressure bringing ice and snow further east, again.

In Chicago as of 10:30am CST the storm ranked in 3rd place (20.2 inches) but it was still snowing - wind gusts overnight reached 70mph on the Lakefront with 8 foot drifts in the metro area reported!

We will have a recap with pictures of the northeast snow. See story below why this storm will be especially worrisome in the east already burried under 2-3 feet of snow. Here is a photo before the Ground Hog Day storm - in southern New Hampshire. 36” on the ground with maybe 12” more coming. 6” fell today as a preview.


This morning after another dump, the back porch looks like this:



See Minnesotans for global Warming epic ‘If We Had Some Global Warming’ video

And more on the M4GW Youtube site . DVDs are available. Note: New video coming soon.

See more on the snow, how the alarmists have changed their tune the last two years and also the eco clown at the Union of Ever Concerned Scientists try and convince the faithful on MSNBC that the snow is do to carbon ‘pollution’ in this blogprof post

Posted on 02/01 at 01:46 PM
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