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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Australian Temperature Records in Question

ICECAP NOTE: As Anthony has been doing his lecture tour of Australia, I am also in the Southern Hemisphere doing climate missionary work in Brazil and given another 28 hours of air travel before I get back Monday afternoon, there will be no posting for about a day. Thanks for your understanding, obrigado! By the way, the 100 degree heat wave in the east this week is classic summer post El Nino east QBO behavior. New York City had 4 100F degree days in late June and July in 1966 after the moderately strong 65/66 El Nino. It had 3 100F degree days in 1977 after the weaker El Nino east 76/77 event. 1995 following the 1994/95 El Nino saw temperatures top 100 once.

By Dr. David Stockwell

Ken Stewart is engaged in the first ever independent study of the complete High Quality Australian Site Network. Ken has a series of posts, the first including a lot of background information and explanation. Subsequent posts are not be as long and part 6, the data from the Victorian sites has just been done.

Like many people, he thought that the analysis of climate change in Australia, and information given to the public and the government, was based on the raw temperature data. He was wrong. He averaged maxima and minima for all stations at each site, then compared the result with the High Quality means. By these calculations (averaging the trend at each site in Victoria) the raw trend is 0.35 degrees C per 100 years, and the High Quality state trend is 0.83C. That’s a warming bias of 133%!  (below, enlarged here).

See post and comments here.


Californian’s can now block new taxes and lost jobs by voting on proposition 23

See post and comments here.
By the California Jobs Initiative

Californians can lead the way on blocking new taxes and lost jobs. They can now vote YES on Proposition 23! (formerly AB32)

The Secretary of State announced yesterday that the California Jobs Initiative will be Proposition 23 on the November ballot.

The California Jobs Initiative is headed to the November ballot! In an overwhelming show of support, with over 800,000 signatures submitted throughout the state, California voters will now decide the timing of AB 32 implementation.

The qualification of this measure will now give Californians a chance to decide between saving California’s economy or sacrificing a million jobs and billions of dollars on new ineffective environmental regulations.

With nearly 2.3 million Californians unemployed and persistent annual budget deficits in the range of $20 billion, the state’s economy can’t sustain Proposition 23 (AB 32’s) enormous costs and additional job losses.

Sacramento politicians passed AB 32 which amounts to a new $60 billion energy tax that will kill jobs in California. It’s being implemented by legions of bureaucrats and a huge bureaucracy that admit it will do virtually nothing to solve global warming. Here’s the price tag we’re being asked to pay for an ill-conceived, flawed and ineffective proposal:

Over 1.1 million lost jobs (Sacramento State University Economist)

Up to 60 percent higher retail electricity rates (Southern California Public Power authority)

8 percent increase in natural gas costs (CARB)

$3.7 billion in higher gasoline and diesel costs (Sierra Research)

Possible $143 billion cap and trade auction tax to offset AB 32’s higher energy prices and job losses (CARB Economic Allocation and Advisory Committee)

Join the coalition here.

Send the politicians a message:


That means a Yes vote on Proposition 23 would:

- Save more than one million jobs.

- Stop billions in higher energy costs.

- Stop higher car taxes.

- Avoid a $500 million water tax.

Thank you for all of your support. With help of concerned Californians like yourself, the California Jobs Initiative will be on the November ballot and Californians will have a voice in this important measure. Vote Yes on Proposition 23! 

Posted on 06/30 at 04:47 PM
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