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Saturday, December 05, 2009
Realist Videos; CBC’s Murphy Unloads on ClimateGate; Clueless Friedman; Houston We have Problem-Snow

Copenhagen Realist Videos

Dear friends,

As representatives of the nations of the world meet in Copenhagen on Monday to attempt to restrict the use of energy produced from coal, gas and oil in the guise of fighting global warming, many scientists and scholars are expressing grave concerns about what they are trying to do.  Recognizing these concerns, we have posted a series of YouTube video vignettes in which such scientists and scholars present the reasons behind them.

We invite you to view the videos and do all you can to inform the public about their presence.  Each of the videos can be accessed from the CO2 Science website, from the CO2Science YouTube channel , and other locations across the Internet, such as here. A categorized-list of the videos we have posted is presented on these sites. More will be added early this week.

Wise decisions are made only when all pertinent aspects of an issue are examined.  It is our sincere hope that the information presented in these videos will elucidate important truths that are presently ignored.

With kind regards,
Craig Idso, Ph.D.
Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change

See also audio interviews with many scientists on Its Rainmaking Time here. See live coverage here from AFP including a live video with special guest Lord Monckton, who is a leading expert—and a YouTube sensation—on the U.N. Conference on Wednesday December 9th at 12:00PM EST

CBC’s Murphy Unloads About ClimateGate

Canadian CBC TV commentator Rex Murphy, unleashed on the top UN scientists involved in the growing Climategate scandal during a December 3, 2009 television broadcast. CBC’s Murphy declared that Climategate “pulls back the curtain on a scene of pettiness, turf protection, manipulation, defiance of freedom of information, loss or destroyed data and attempts to blacklist critics or skeptics of the global warming cause.”

“You wouldn’t accept that at a grade 9 science fair,” Murphy stated. Murphy’s commentary appeared on “The National” program, CBC’s flagship nightly news program.

Watch Full Rex Murphy Video here. Murphy was a former a executive assistant to the leader of the Liberal Party of Newfoundland. (Also see viewers growing frustration at lack of coverage of Climategate on broadcast TV. See: Video: Canadian news heckled on live TV: ‘Climategate: It Wont Go Away. Report it, CBC!’ “Climate science and global warming advocacy have become so entwined, so enmeshed into a mutant creature,” he added.

“Climategate is evidence that the science has gone to bed with advocacy and both have had a very good time,” Murphy continued. Murphy’s criticism aims directly for the top UN scientists involved in this scandal.

“Too many of the current leadership on global warming are more players than observers. Gatekeepers not investigators. Angry partisans of some global reengineering, rather than some humble servants of the facts of the case,” Murphy explained. “Read the emails, you will never think of climate science, quite the same way again,” Murphy implored. “Let’s here no more talk of the ‘science is settled’ when it turns out some of the principle scientists behave as if they own the very question of global warming,” he added.

“Climate science has been shown to be in part to be a sub branch of climate politics,” Murphy explained. “Climate science needs its own reset button,” he added.


Also the NYT’s Friedman on CNN “Ignores Cost, Insists Action on Climate Change is Necessary Regardless of Risk”. Showing his elitist roots, Friedman who has expertise in Middle East and globalism is suddenly a self-proclaimed expert (and author) on climate change. Watch him show how little he really knows about what is breaking here and the degree of pain for no gain or need for the remedies he supports.


Houston: we have a problem - it’s snowing!

UPDATE: A new record snowfall of 1.00 inch was set at Houston Intercontinental Friday. This was the earliest snowfall of the season that has been recorded since the 1880’s when the current official records began in downtown Houston. The previous earliest snow occurred last year on December 10th 2008 and December 10th back in 1944.

Anthony Watts, Watts Up With That

From the “it’s weather not climate department” - I never thought I’d see this today on the header of the Houston Chronicle: The snow is the earliest on record. Of note is the fact that in 2008, it snowed in Houston on December 10th. Place your bets for next year.

Houston braces for about 2 inches of snow. Some in Houston area may even see half a foot of the white stuff. 

By Eric Berger and Peggy O’Hare, Houston Chronicle

Houston this morning broke a record with the earliest snowfall ever recorded in the city’s history. Forecasters are still hedging their bets on the amount, but say the most likely scenario is 1 to 2 inches of widespread snowfall through the day. Some areas could get up to a half a foot.


Light snow already was falling downtown and in other areas before 8:30 a.m. Other forms of precipitation - such as rain, freezing, rain, sleet and hail - also have been reported. Houston’s main weather recording station at Bush Intercontinental Airport reported at trace of snow at 8 a.m., meaning Dec. 4 will go down as the new record.

But emergency management officials say snow isn’t the biggest concern - it’s icy roads. A 12-hour freeze period is expected to begin after sundown today, continuing into Saturday, which could cause hazardous driving conditions.

A freeze warning has been issued for more than 20 Texas counties, including the coastal counties of Chambers, Galveston, Brazoria, Matagorda and Jackson, extending northward through Harris, Montgomery, Fort Bend, Wharton and Liberty counties, then stretching as far northwest as the cities of Bryan and College Station and as far northeast as Trinity and Polk counties.

“Even though we can’t say for sure this weather event is going to occur, we can definitely say our confidence has increased substantially compared to three or four days ago,” said Fred Schmude, a meteorologist with ImpactWeather, a private, Houston-based forecasting service.

In other news: Dr. James Hansen is coming to Houston to promote his new book Storms of my Grandchilden.

Is he thinking snowstorms? See post here.

PS Kyle posted this image on WUWT from Houston (below, enlarged here):


Anthony also shows how CRU sought and received big money from BIG OIL here. Now who is the shill for Big Oil again? Next time somebody brings up that ridiculous argument about skeptics, show them this. h/t and thanks to WUWT reader “boballab”

Posted on 12/05 at 02:23 AM
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