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Friday, May 15, 2009
Clarity on Cap-and-Trade

By Donn Dears

Describes workings of Cap & Trade, the legislation designed to force the U.S. to cut its CO2 emissons. Only 24% of the public even know it has something to do with energy and the environment. Hopefully this video and the follow up coming soon will make us all smarter about what it is and what its impact will be.

Full size youtube here.

Brief Overview of Donn Dears Experience with Energy Issues
Donn Dears began his career at General Electric testing large steam turbines and generators used by utilities to generate electricity; followed next, by manufacturing and marketing assignments at the Transformer Division. He next led an organization of a few thousand people servicing these and other GE products in the United States. He then established facilities around the world to service power generation and transmission equipment. At nearly every step, Donn was involved with the work done at customer locations; at steel mills, electric utilities, refineries, oil drilling and production facilities and open pit and underground mining operations. At every opportunity, he learned of the needs of these industries.

Donn has toured Saudi Arabia including a close-up inspection of the eastern province with its oil producing and shipping facilities. He has investigated many of the other oil producing countries in the Mid East and Northern Europe, as well as examining iron-ore mining locations and major shipping centers in Europe and Asia. All told, Donn has visited over 50 countries and has knowledge of their need for the technologies that can improve their well being and their use of equipment manufactured in the United States.

Following his retirement as a senior GE Company executive, he continued to study and write about energy issues. He currently is president of TSAugust, a 501 (C) 3 think tank comprised entirely of volunteers. He writes for and has written two books as well as various papers and articles. He also speaks about energy issues.

Donn is a graduate of the United States Merchant Marine Academy and served on active duty in the U.S. Navy

Posted on 05/15 at 03:48 AM
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