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Saturday, November 27, 2010
Hansen 1988: Manhattan Flooding by 2008, 5C (9F) Global Warming By 2040

By Steven Goddard, Real Science


1988 was a very good year for James Hansen. He testified before Congress with the air conditioning sabotaged by Tim Wirth. He forecast that Manhattan would be drowning by now.  And he forecast 5C warming by 2040 in an interview he gave for the CBC’s “Survival” program, reported on page nine of Suzuki’s book (below, enlarged in two parts here and here.



We are at the halfway mark in 2010, and temperatures have been flat for a decade (below, enlarged here).


No wonder Hansen is working so hard to squeeze every hundredth of a degree of extra warming out of the temperature record. He can’t admit he was wrong, and apparently prefers to take the whole world down with him. See post here. H/T Marc Morano, Climate Depot

Posted on 11/27 at 10:02 AM
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