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Tuesday, April 13, 2010
ICECAP Three Year Anniversary - A Thank You

Icecap Staff

This week marks our third anniversary. Sixteen million times in the last three years people like you have come to us to get behind the headlines and find the story behind the story. For that we are grateful. You won’t get it from the status quo television networks, newspapers and magazines. We have posted 4000 stories since inception, many insightful, thought provoking scientific postings from some of the leading climate experts in the world dispelling some aspect of the alarmist’s agenda. We strive to bring the truth about climate out of the shadows and into the clear light of day without compromise.


In the last few months, your donations have helped produce videos of scientists for use in KUSI specials and John Coleman’s blogsite, helped find the time to educate and work with senators and congressmen. We have worked with Watts Up With That’s Anthony Watts and SPPI to update a long paper and compile international case studies on the data issue (updated today here. We have responded to suggestions and constructive criticism on the paper in the revised edition. It accomplished what we hoped. It has created awareness that the data issues are not limited to CRU and has helped spark research and analysis on other blogs that has moved the ball forward in our understanding of the issues. It has sparked research studies on the UHI published on SPPI and summarized on ICECAP. We have worked on a paper on the ocean cycles effect on climate for a journal hopefully to be published soon.

We continue to make presentations on cable, local television, in schools, colleges, libraries, clubs, and groups. As the story on ACE posted today here showed, we need to do even more.  An educated electorate and populace is our only defense. We have new momentum and public opinion on our side but the alarmist’s are receiving billions of dollars from their determined supporters to keep the movement alive and the government does not seem to care about public opinion.

The EPA is moving forward with its plans to regulate carbon dioxide. Although it will face court challenges, it is a future threat to our economy. Congress is heading down a path of its own. Hidden in the bills under consideration, the government even as it talks green jobs, is planning stealth taxes on everyone by taxing the production of carbon dioxide and pushing an alternative energy solution that has proven to be a dismal failure and job killer where it has been tried in Europe and elsewhere. While claiming they are opening up the offshore waters for drilling, their plans accomplish the opposite, blocking or delaying it or favoring it in places where the infrastructure doesn’t yet exist to support it, even as Russia slant drills to get our oil and gas off Alaska, China from Cuba off Florida and the Chinese buy up the shale gas from Canada once destined for our use.  Just when our economy is showing signs of life the current powerbrokers in Washington want to snuff it out. They are using climate change to fund their re-inventing of America.

Unlike the alarmist sites, which receive significant support from the modern opportunistic enviro groups, rich individuals, foundations (see recent story on the $900 million given to climate change in 2009) or communications groups with vested interest in propagating this new political agenda or money making carbon trading/control or alternative energy schemes, the climate realist blogs mostly depend on donations from individuals. See how the NGO’s and UN approved CSO’s have been abusing the system here.

Like the other realist sites, we have to depend on other side businesses or consulting to pay the bills and that is a struggle. We would dearly love to generate enough support for ICECAP to allow the principles to devote more time to these important efforts and like ACE do more in the schools but in this case to un-indoctrinate the young people.

Whether you are associated with a foundation or just an appreciative individual, your donation, large or small is as always much appreciated. ICECAP is a C3 organizations which means your donations are fully tax deductible. Donate button on the left or if your prefer to donate by check via snail mail write me at for an address. Write us there if you want to help in other ways, by presenting in front of groups, providing materials for the schools, etc. 

Posted on 04/13 at 08:23 PM
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