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Saturday, March 12, 2011
Joe Bastardi on new venture WeatherBell Analytics

By Joe Bastardi

On March 11th, Weatherbell Analytics announced that Joe D’Aleo and I would be working together to develop the premier long range weather forecasting center in the world. When I looked at what was coming together, I decided this is where my next step in doing what I was made to do had to be.

First of all, in Joe D’Aleo, I have a colleague that needs no introduction to the major meteorology people of the world. Joe and I have similar methods of arriving at forecasts, and understand big picture to small focus forecasting ideas.. where one must be able to step back and understand the major players on the field to be able to correctly identify and forecast the events that carry so much wait in any given forecast. So many times, I saw we had an independent consensus.

In other words we arrived at the same conclusion, without consulting with each other, that it became apparent that we were on the same wavelength. However the differences we have will be used to challenge each other to come up with the right final conclusion. The fact that we have similar ideas on the overall trend in the global temperature, and for the same basic physical reasons, which trump the idea that a trace gas needed for life on the planet can cause so much variation, gives us an up on those that simply want to bet its going to be warm. Knowing where we were, but where we are going is crucial to having the correct backdrop in a forecast.

The owner and founder of the company, Michael Barak is a Cornell engineering graduate who loves the weather and will give us the chance to use our skills in many more ways than we have done so far. A good long range forecast can supply many needs. The vision and boldness of Michael gives us a major up.  He is determined to make sure Joe and I can fight in all the arenas available, so the success of the company will rely on the success of the forecasts, being used the right way.

WeatherBell has given me a system where I can blog to my hearts content with all the graphics I want, and our video setup is one where my new video vigilantes, the atmospheric avenger and the WeatherBell Raging WeatherBull will appear several times a day.. and at night. Quite frankly, for me, this set up is manna from heaven.

In short, its a long road to be part of a start up and try to reach the top. But Joe and I live for the weather, we both understand it is what we were made to do, and we are here to do it.  I have already said we are the LaMotta and Marciano of weather, men whose names end in a vowel, and wont throw in the towel. And we are here with WeatherBell with one mission.. to climb to the top.

Interesting company name and appropriate for both Joe and I, because we will answer the WeatherBell in every round.

Icecap Note: See the start of a new tiered weather service with Joe Bastardi and I here. Here is my blog and here is Joe B’s. Joe has video capabilities now. I will shortly. The service for now is free. It will be reasonable for the hobbyiest and highly competitive with existing services in other markets. We will partner with the very best companies and people in the months ahead. We will stay close to our mission of providing the best weather and climate forecast services. I will continue to comment on climate change issues here. More to follow. For those who know the name...Dr Dewpoint rides again.

See the Weatherbell main site. See stories on Late Season snowstorms can sneak up on you,, NAM (AO) Trumphed ENSO, Dr. Dewpoint Rides Again, and Big time Tornado and Flood Season.

Posted on 03/12 at 10:28 PM
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