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Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Met Office Summer Forecast Drowning Again?

By Steve Goddard on Watts Up With That

For the third straight summer, the UK Met Office has forecast hot weather using their state of the art computer models.  Summer 2007 and 2008 were complete washouts, ranking as two of the most miserable, rainy summers on record.


31 August 2007
Summer 2007 - a wet season
This summer looks set to have been the wettest since UK rainfall records began in 1914, Met Office figures revealed today

29 August 2008
Wet summer could end with a bang
Forecasters at the Met Office are predicting that that final day of the summer could end with heavy rain and thunderstorms affecting some parts of the country this weekend. Within the UK some local rainfall records have been broken, especially across parts of Northern Ireland and Scotland where flooding severely affected road and rail transport. Provisional rainfall figures show that Northern Ireland had its wettest August since 1914 .

The current summer isn’t looking much better. Here is the forecast from UK Weather Online.

Issued: 0900hrs Friday 5th June 2009

Do you want summer?
Duty forecaster: Simon Keeling & Captain Bob
If you’re requiring rain you’ll be in luck, if you’re wishing for summer, then perhaps don’t hold your breath!

It has now been 1,047 days since London made it to 30C. I admire the persistence of The Met Office in getting their global warming message across to the public.  Perhaps their new 30 million UK pound computers will do better with their actual predictions?


Read more here.

Posted on 06/09 at 04:15 PM
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