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Wednesday, October 21, 2009
“Not a Shadow of a Doubt”

By John Coleman, Meteorologist KUSI-TV and the REAL Founder of The Weather Channel

“Where it gets completely wild is when you consider what kinds of things we can do to reduce carbon emissions,” Running said. “The technology doesn’t exist to do that now, without reducing our lifestyles to primitive levels.”

The Running in the above quote is University of Montana forestry professor Steve Running, who shared in the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize as a member of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He is heading up a new University of Montana degree program on Climate Change Studies. I agree with Running in his conclusion: If releasing Carbon Dioxide, CO2, into the atmosphere in the exhaust from the burning of fossil fuels is driving an irreversible global climate change that will destroy our way of life, we have no viable solution available. The only answer would be to return the jungle and live like Tarzan and Jane. That is why the debate about the effect of CO2 on climate is so vitally important.

However, I also know with absolute confidence that the result on climate from our release of CO2 into the atmophere in the exhaust from burning fossil fuels is only a tiny, insignificant impact on climate. So there is good news: we do not have any valid reason to reduce our lifestyles to the primitive level, as he professor suggests we might have to.

There is not a shadow of doubt, I conclude, that the IPCC hypothesis that radiative forcing as CO2 interacts with water vapor leads to a huge magnification of the greenhouse effect from CO2 has been proven wrong. The IPCC scientists never did have any real scientific proof of the theory, only computer models full of assumptions and a vote of the members of the group who all had a vested interest in the theory. The model projections, regardless of how they were structured, have failed to verify anyway. So there is no doubt about it, the carbon footprint, global warming mania is dead wrong.

But my absolute confidence in this matter makes little difference. I am simply an old meteorologist and don’t have any real influence on policy. So the University of Montana will have its new degree program and students will learn the litany of global warming as presented by Al Gore and UN IPCC. And, that is simply the smallest problem. Because the Supreme Court has endorsed the power of the Environmental Protection Agency to declare CO2 as a pollutant because it leads to global warming, the US congress is on the verge of passing Cap and Trade and the UN is about to come up with the Copenhagen Accord that will create a global government and tax the CO2 producing nations to pay for it.

This three fronted acceptance of CO2 as the global warming culprit and implementation of penalties for the burning of fossil fuel will cost us our way of life and our freedom. There are thousands of scientists and our supporters working to stop the Al Gore Global Warming, but we are totally outgunned by power and money. There is absolutely no significant money on our side, and in the end, I fear that is deciding factor.

That does not mean that I surrender. Never.


See post on Coleman’s Corner here.


Massive snowstorm in Europe
By Bill Steffen, WOOD-TV Blog

The biggest snowstorm in 25 years hit central Europe with amounts up to five feet atop Zugspitze, the highest peak in Germany. 


In Austria, two day snowfalls of 2-3 feet caused some ski areas to have their earliest-ever opening day.  The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland were hit hard.  Up to 20″ of snow fell in the mountains of the Czech Republic.  Trees and power lines were toppled, with up to 700,000 customers without power during the unusual cold wave.  In southern Poland three people froze to death.  Huge waves destroyed a pier at Sopot in northern Poland.  Tens of thousands of Ukrainians were without power after the storm.  A major rail line from Switzerland to Austria was blocked by trees felled from the weight of the snow.  The Polish government mobilized troops to assist the clean-up.  Temperatures dropped to 11 above zero in southern Poland, extremely cold for this time of year. 

Back in the U.S., check out the snow on top of Mt. Washington in New Hampshire.  Mt. Washington hasn’t been above freezing in nine days.  They had over a foot of snowfall in the first two weeks of October and temperatures for the month are more than 7 degrees cooler than average.


Chief Meteorologist Bill Steffen WOOD-TV

October 1-19 temperature anomaly enlarged here

Posted on 10/21 at 02:19 AM
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