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Saturday, June 26, 2010

By Art Horn, The Art of Weather and Icecap

Recently president Obama told Arizona Senator Kyl that if he secured the boarder there, Arizona would have no motivation to support Obama’s immigration reform legislation. In other words Obama is playing politics with Arizona and its people to get what he wants. In most circles this is called blackmail. Could the president be doing the same thing with the oil spill in the gulf? Could he be stalling the clean up until he gets what he wants?

The Obama administration has said we can’t bring in skimmers from other parts of the country to help with the spill because there might be another spill someplace else. Excuse me my hearing aid must be turned off. Did he say we can’t help stop the worst spill in US history because of what might happen somewhere else? The answer is an unbelievable yes he did!

Obama has also refused the help of other nations. Belgium, The Netherlands and Norway have very sophisticated skimming technology, some of the best in the world. Obama won’t use them because he refuses to waive the Jones Act. This 1920s law requires that all ships working in American waters be made here and have domestic crews. Interestingly President George W. Bush waved the act in 2005 to help clean up after hurricane Katrina. Obama won’t do it. The worse the spill gets the better Bush looks.

That begs the question why? Why would the president of the United States who is sworn to protect the nation, refuse to use all tools at his disposal to help the people and the environment of the gulf. It’s the same reason he is blackmailing Arizona. He wants something. That something is Cap and Trade. It’s now called some kind of energy bill but don’t be confused it’s the same old Cap and Trade dressed up in new clothes. OK but how would delaying the cleanup help the president get his Cap and Tax legislation through? The answer is he is waiting for August and September, the peak of the hurricane season.

President Obama is a devoted disciple of the religion of global warming. On September 22nd 2009 Obama said “On shrinking islands families are already being forced to flee their homes as climate refugees. The security and stability of each nation and all peoples, our prosperity, our health and our safety are in jeopardy. And the Time we have to reverse this tide is running out.” He is a true believer of the first order. He believes that we can control the climate of the earth just like he controls the climate in the Oval Office. If it’s too warm the president just goes over the wall and turns down the thermostat. Similarly if the earth’s climate it too warm he will use Cap and Trade to turn down the amount of carbon dioxide in the air and cool the earth, as well as our economy I might add.

So where do the hurricanes fit in to all of this? The president is waiting for a hurricane to roar into the gulf this season and blow all that oil many miles inland and make a bad situation an order of magnitude worse. He is waiting for an Obamacane.


A hurricane would create a storm surge that would push the spill into the estuaries, rivers and backwaters all along the gulf where it strikes. This hurricane driven surge of water and oil would cause far more damage than has happened so far. It would take years to clean up. The ensuing economic damage to the region could last for a decade or more. Parts of south Florida and New Orleans are still recovering from major hurricanes and those storms were “clean”. This Obamacane would be a unique historical event. No hurricane has ever moved over a spill of this magnitude and blown it onto land, not in the history of the world.

Such a calamity, if it occurs would be the fuel (oil) on the fire Obama would need to get Cap and Trade done before the November elections. In the wake of the storm there would be a thunderous outcry from the environmental groups, companies desperate to profit from “green” government subsidies and Obama’s own spinmeisters to dump oil. It’s the perfect eco-disaster set up. An active hurricane season with a higher than usual chance of a large gulf hurricane and a massive oil spill waiting to be blown into history. This Obamacane would be exploited as the last straw needed to persuade American to “go green” for good and dump ugly oil and its climate destroying carbon emissions. See more here.

Icecap Note: A tropical wave in the Caribbean is being watched for possible development into the first Atlantic named system. Some models take it to the central GOM oil spill region. A North Atlantic analysis of the atmospheric precipitable water shown below courtesy University of Wisconsin CIMSS animates here).


Posted on 06/26 at 04:35 AM
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