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Sunday, June 14, 2009
Online Petition: The next solar minimum should be called “The Eddy Minimum”

By Anthony Watts

Jack Eddy was a solar scientist who discovered the sunspot period known as “Maunder Minimum” in the 1970’s, and despite intense academic pressure of the current consensus, argued that this demonstrated that our sun was not constant, but indeed a slightly variable star.

See larger image here.

A humble man, he didn’t even name his discovery after himself as some scientists are known to do.

Jack Eddy recently passed away, as announced on WUWT here.


Fellow solar astronomer and friend Dr. Leif Svalgaard announced his plan to present this idea formally in comments there. Icecap note: Also in the following quote Jack Eddy in that second post, summarized his life path and ideals, admirable, especially by today’s lowered standards.

“My reasons for taking this less-traveled road were many. One is the inevitable thrill of discovery when you wander into new areas. More importantly, you also avoid the danger of being too comfortable in too narrow a niche. I truly believe the sayings that there is no hope for the satisfied man and that without fear there is no learning. Entering a new field with a degree in another is not unlike Lewis and Clark walking into the camp of the Mandans. You are not one of them. They distrust you. Your degree means nothing and your name is not recognized. You have to learn it all from scratch, earn their respect, and learn a lot on your own. But I also think that many of the most significant discoveries in science will be found not in but between the rigid boundaries of the disciplines: the terra incognita where much remains to be learned. It’s not a place that’s hidebound by practice and ritual. I have always tried to keep moving between fields of study.” - Jack Eddy, 1999.

Link to sign the petition here.

Posted on 06/14 at 12:18 AM
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