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Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Peerless Refutation of Scientifically Unjustifiable Scaremongering about “Global Warming”

By Christopher Monckton, SPPI

We reproduce, paragraph by paragraph, a typical scaremongering article about “global warming” that was published in The Guardian in London on 9 February 2008. In bold face, we show, paragraph by paragraph, how easy it would be for a correctly-informed and unprejudiced journalist to write a true story that reached accurate conclusions diametrically opposite to those of The Guardian.

Scientists are to hold an emergency summit to warn the world’s politicians they are being too timid in their response to global warming, said David Adam, the environment correspondent of The Guardian, in early February 2009.

Scientists, statesmen, and researchers into climate change will be meeting in New York in early March 2008 to warn the world’s politicians that they are spending far too much taxpayers’ money addressing the non-problem of “global warming”. Global temperatures have been on a falling trend throughout the eight years of the Bush presidency, said Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, a British peer, in early February 2009.

Climate experts from across the world will gather in Copenhagen next month to agree a stark message to policy makers, which they hope will break the political deadlock on efforts to curb rising temperatures. The meeting follows “disturbing” studies that suggest global warming could strike harder and faster than expected.

Climate experts from across the world will gather in New York next month to agree a stark message to policy makers, which they hope will alert politicians to the absurdity of trying to curb rising temperatures, particularly since temperatures this millennium have not been rising but falling. The meeting follows “heartening” studies that suggest “global warming” is nonsense and will have far less effect than expected.

It comes ahead of a year of high-level political discussions on climate change, which climax with international negotiations in Copenhagen in December, where officials will try to hammer out a successor to the Kyoto protocol.

It comes ahead of a year of high-level politicians gradually coming to realize that “global warming” is a scientific fraud. Vaclav Klaus, president of the Czech Republic and currently also president of the world’s largest trading bloc, the European Union, is one of a growing band of politicians unwilling to allow taxpayers to be further defrauded. There is no need for a successor to the Kyoto Protocol, which the US Senate under Al Gore rejected by 95 votes to 0, and which nearly all signatories have dishonored by non-compliance.

Katherine Richardson, a marine biologist at the University of Copenhagen, who is organising next month’s event, said: “This is not a regular scientific conference. This is a deliberate attempt to influence policy.”

Christopher Monckton, an investigator of scientific frauds, who is topping the bill as the valedictorian keynote speaker at the New York climate conference, said: “Global warming is not a regular scientific topic. This is a deliberate fraud intended to influence policy.”

The meeting will publish an update to the 2007 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Richardson said the IPCC report was “wishy-washy” on issues such as sea level rise. “The IPCC talks of a 40cm sea rise this century. Well, if the consensus now is a rise of a
metre or more then they need to know that.”

The New York meeting will publish an update to the 2008 Manhattan Declaration calling upon politicians not to waste time or taxpayer dollars on the climate chimera, or on issues such as sea level rise. The IPCC had projected that sea level would rise 3 feet by 2100, but in 2007, faced with overwhelming evidence from realworld data and from peer-reviewed scientific papers that sea level is rising at little more than 1 ft per century and will not rise very much faster than that, has recently cut its high-end projection to less than 2 feet per century.

A number of studies published since the IPCC report was prepared show that carbon emissions are rising faster than expected and that existing greenhouse gas targets may not be enough to prevent catastrophic temperature rise. Climate experts, including Jim Hansen, of NASA, have warned
about so-called “tipping points” that could lead to runaway warming and rapid sea level rise.

A number of studies published since the IPCC report was prepared show that carbon dioxide concentrations are rising at well below the IPCC’s lowest estimate and that even without existing greenhouse gas targets there is no chance of catastrophic temperature rise. Climate experts, including the late Edward Lorenz, have warned that so-called “tipping-points” that could lead to runaway warming and sea-level rise cannot be predicted “by any method”.

Read full refutation PDF here. See SPPI’s new Monthly CO2 Report here.

Posted on 02/11 at 03:11 AM
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