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Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Peru: Global warming blamed for coldest winter in 50 years. O’Leary: Global warming is ‘bulls--t’

Tom Nelson reports here.


Peru is going through its coldest winter in 50 years and hundreds of people and thousands of animals have already died of hypothermia as temperatures have fallen to record -23C lows in the mountain villages. But while this year’s cold has been put down to a periodic La Niņa phenomenom, scientists here are convinced the bigger picture in the Andes is of progressive climate change.

Retreating glaciers, wild fluctuations of temperatures, unseasonal weather patterns, unpredictable frosts and extreme weather events are all consistent with climate change models.

Global warming is ‘bulls--t,’ says Ryanair boss
Iceage Now

The scientific consensus is “horses--t”. In an interview with The Independent, the chief executive of Europe’s largest airline branded the scientific consensus that man-made pollution is heating the planet as “horses--t.”

Ryanair’s combative boss Michael O’Leary agreed the climate was changing but denied it was caused by man-made emissions of carbon dioxide. “Nobody can argue that there isn’t climate change. The climate’s been changing since time immemorial,” he said.

“It’s amazing the way the whole f---ing eco-warriors and the media have changed. It used to be global warming, but now, when global temperatures haven’t risen in the past 12 years, they say ‘climate change’.”

“Well, hang on, we’ve had an ice age. We’ve also had a couple of very hot spells during the Middle Ages, so nobody can deny climate change. But there’s absolutely no link between man-made carbon, which contributes less than 2pc of total carbon emissions [and climate change].”

“Scientists argue there is global warming because they wouldn’t get half of the funding they get now if it turns out to be completely bogus,” he said.

“The scientific community has nearly always been wrong in history anyway. In the Middle Ages, they were going to excommunicate Galileo because the entire scientific community said the Earth was flat… I mean, it is absolutely bizarre that the people who can’t tell us what the f---ing weather is next Tuesday can predict with absolute precision what the f---ing global temperatures will be in 100 years’ time. It’s horses--t.”

O’Leary mocked global warming campaigners, describing the United Nations as “one of the world’s most useless organisations”, its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as “utter tosh”, and US politician Al Gore as someone who “couldn’t even get f---ing re-elected” after a boom. 

Posted on 09/15 at 02:41 AM
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