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The Blogosphere
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Please help us improve and help us (and you) to do more

By the Icecap Staff

Well over nineteen million times in the last three and one half years people like you have visited Icecap from over 25 countries. They have hopefully taken the time to read some of several thousand stories since inception, many insightful, thought provoking scientific postings from some of the leading climate experts in the world as well as posting from some of the journalists and writers that are not driven by a political or social agenda. We and our scientific posters tend to be empiricists who rely on our experience with data and analysis of raw data sets rather than on models and theory. We believe in validation of models and forecasts using data not validation of theory and data using model forecasts. The realist journalists see the world without the blinders imposed by political or societal views or elitism as we find with so many others in the mainstream media.

What you have helped us to do

In the last year, your donations have helped produce videos of scientists for use in television specials, help KUSI produce a two-part series, and they enabled the preparation of materials to educate and help senators and congressmen make important decisions. For example, we briefed congressional staffers on temperature issues this last spring and worked with a few state legislatures and candidates throughout the year. We prepared detailed comments to NOAA and the EPA on their reports used for government policy making and the EPA Endangerment Findings. Some of the material we submitted into the record will be used by those states or attorney generals fighting back.

Icecap has collaborated with Anthony Watts, creator of Watts Up With That’s and SPPI to create, update and revise an extensive paper including international case studies on the data issue (updated here). It accomplished what we hoped in that it created awareness that the data issues are not limited to CRU.  This has helped spark research and analysis that has moved the ball forward in our understanding of the issues. NOAA has requested funding to upgrade the siting of 1000 United States climate stations. This was shortly after a NOAA paper was published that tried to convince the world that siting did not matter (most of the credit here goes to Anthony Watts and his volunteers). Our paper has sparked research studies on the UHI published on SPPI and summarized on ICECAP. With congressional help, we intend to continue to push NOAA hard with congressional help to properly address this contamination. If done properly it will stop the exaggerated claims that every month, season and year is among the warmest ever.

We completed a paper on the multi-decadal ocean cycle effect on climate for a journal that was published this September. An enhanced version will be published next spring in a peer review journal along with additional papers on temperatures and solar. Our staff have published over a dozen many acclaimed papers in the various journals and media. We will increase our efforts to support the NIPCC project that will bring a counter to the next IPCC.

We continue to make presentations on cable, local television, in schools, colleges, libraries, clubs, and industry groups. As the story on ACE posted here and the college video here showed, we need to do even more.  An educated electorate and populace is our only defense. Unfortunately our children have been brainwashed for too long. They are the green generation. We all support conservation and a pollution free environment but do not accept that carbon dioxide, which we breathe out and plants need, is a contaminant. The misplaced focus on CO2 prevents us from properly addressing the real issues. Economists and the public rank global warming at the bottom of the priority list for what would do the most good for the people, creatures and plants on this special planet.

We have new momentum and public opinion on our side but the alarmist’s are receiving billions of dollars from their determined supporters to keep the movement alive and the government does not seem to care about public opinion. Just when our economy was showing signs of life, the powerbrokers in Washington tried to snuff it out. They had planned to use climate change to fund their re-inventing of America.

While the election is an encouraging sign, Senator Inhofe has a worrisome warning. “What Sen. Reid said about cap-and-trade - that it’s dead for next Congress-may be true for the massive, thousand-page bills filled with mandates, taxes, regulations, bureaucracy, and much more. 

“But it’s not true for the more subtle strain of cap-and-trade now moving through the Environmental Protection Agency.  That’s right: this is backdoor cap-and-trade, hidden behind an administrative curtain. So we need to address this, because employers and small businesses are afraid to hire and expand in large part because of EPA’s global warming regulations.  To get this economy moving again, and create jobs for those who need them, we need to stop EPA.” With your help and your grass roots involvement, we can stop the EPA and the enviro NGOs from destroying our economy in their Quixotic efforts to pursue unreachable and unwise ideals in the name of their false god Gaia. We also try and spread the word abroad in Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain and much of western Europe where similar government and enviro efforts are even further along. Canada is showing the most common sense. It appears that global cooling sharpens the brain. Help us spread the word and force other countries to reject their green anti-people agendas.

A common claim is that all skeptics and realist sites like ours are lavishly funded by big oil. But the truth is most big oil and energy corporations now fund the green movement to appease a few very vocal stockholders. See how the NGOs and UN approved CSO’s have been abusing the system here. In reality, as Joanne Nova found for SPPI, the governments since 1989 have spent $79 billion on policies related to climate change, including science and technology research, administration, propaganda campaigns, foreign aid, and tax breaks. Most of this spending was unnecessary. An HSBC report predicts that annual capital investment in climate and the green economy will grow from an annualized $460 billion in 2010 to $1.5 trillion in 2020.

You won’t read in the traditional media, but alarmist sites receive significant support from opportunistic environmental groups (NGOs), energy companies, rich individuals (like George Soros), foundations (Fenton Communications funds RealClimate) or communications groups with vested interest in propagating this new political agenda or corporations or banks looking at money making carbon trading/control or alternative energy schemes, while the climate realist blogs depend on donations from individuals and we all struggle.

With your help we can do more

There is so much more we can do. We would like to produce more reports and a modular series of Powerpoint slide sets and handouts that could be downloadable and used by teachers and students and others who want to address the issue of natural versus man-made climate change. We are looking for support for a follow-up more detailed and comprehensive video climate production (one or two hourly presentations). We have been asked to testify in DC next month. More will follow in 2011. The newly elected representatives and senators have the right instinct on climate change but often do not know how much the science supports their staked out position. Remember that alarmists have promised a coordinated effort to fight off ‘evil’ skepticism (and keep their grant gravy train on track).

We also have plans to make the site more user and eye friendly. We recently bit the bullet on larger, non-shared, more dependable server. The cost increased accordingly. We want to next address the email bottleneck we had the last year. We intend to resume sending out regular emails to highlight and link to new stories on our site and others.

Whether you are associated with a foundation or endowment or just an concerned, appreciative individual, your donation, large or small is as always much appreciated. ICECAP is a C3 organization which means your donations are fully tax deductible. Click on the Donate button on the left for a secure PAYPAL transfer or if you prefer to donate by check via snail mail write me at for an address. Write us there also if you want to help in other ways, by presenting in front of groups, providing materials for the schools, etc.

And Happy Thanksgiving.

Posted on 11/23 at 12:53 PM
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