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Friday, May 28, 2010
Rare Volcanic Smoke Ring - Speculation about Katla

On May 1st, volcano photographers Steve and Donna O’Meara were stunned when they photographed a perfectly shaped volcanic smoke ring blown out by Eyjafjallajokull volcano in southern Iceland:

©Steve & Donna O’Mears

“This is a rare phenomenon,” say Steve and Donna. “We’ve only seen it one other time at Italy’s Stromboli volcano in 2001.”

Joseph Licciardi, an earth sciences professor from Oregon State University, was there to see it, too. “The ring was visible for five minutes and then fell apart,” he told the UK Dail Mail. “I am thrilled that I was present at the event.”


In addition to Eyjafjallajokull and Stromboli, volcanic smoke rings have also been observed at Mt Etna.

Just how the rings form remains a mystery. It’s possible that bursts of gas through narrow vents would do the job, much like cigar or cigarette smokers blow rings with their mouths.

Smoke rings could soon become more common over Iceland. Eruptions of Eyjafjallajokull are usually followed by even bigger eruptions from the nearby Katla volcano. Indeed, experts are warning that an eruption of Katla may be close at hand. Check the odds!

See also this MSNBC story about scientists claiming Katla is close to failure (though eruption not imminent).

Posted on 05/28 at 03:21 PM
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