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Monday, July 05, 2010
Rescue from the Climate Saviors

By Klaus Ermecke

If one believes politicians and the media, the world is in danger: the earth is heating up - catastrophe will result - and civilization is the cause! Even school children are frightened and taught that mankind can and must save the climate.

In spite of the rising burdens imposed on almost all businesses and citizens, few politicians have questioned the “fight against climate change”. Over years, hardly a newspaper challenged the scientific basis of the “greenhouse” dogma. If asked, its proponents referred to a “scientific consensus” regarding “human made climate change”. Accordingly, dissenting opinions had to be unfounded and were not worth consideration.

However, thorough review of the pertinent scientific literature and questioning of experts reveals that there is in fact no consensus at all regarding the so-called “greenhouse effect”: 

Almost all scientific papers related to “greenhouse effect”, “climate change” and the supposed human influence do not critically examine these statements, and instead simply assume them to be true.

There are tens of thousands of publications in which the authors either find no relation to “climate change”, or even explicitly reject the concepts on which “climatologists” have based their assumptions. (ICECAP NOTE: overstated number though such papers or posts certainly exist)

There are in fact several different “greenhouse gas theories” based upon very different physical assumptions. The commonly believed notion that increased CO2 will catastrophically warm the planet does not hold up to scientific scrutiny and the laws of physics.

Summary of our most important results:

* The Earth has a natural “cooling system”. It continuously radiates energy into space.

* Any increase in temperatures automatically boosts this radiation. The cooling power jumps up.

* “Global warming” (i.e. a general increase of temperatures) requires this incremental cooling to be compensated by an increase in heating power.

* Accordingly, in order to achieve “global warming”, CO2 had to increase the flow of energy from outside the system to the Earth’s surface. But this is beyond even the claimed capabilities of this gas. Therefore CO2 cannot cause any warming.

* IR gases ("greenhouse gases") cool the Earth. The “natural greenhouse effect” (i.e. the warming) is a myth.

* Climate variability did and does exist. However, the CO2 level in the atmosphere is not the cause. Aside from the sun itself, changing cloud coverage is the main factor.

See this full detailed and well documented report here. Hat tip Dr. Michael Economides, University of Houston.

Posted on 07/05 at 05:58 PM
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