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The Blogosphere
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Romm Full of Misinformation and Inaccuracies’

By Roger Pielke Jr. Prometheus

Joe Romm has a post up today criticizing me as only Joe Romm can. It is full of misinformation and inaccuracies. I thought I’d open up a thread for anyone to ask direct questions of me, if they have any, in response to Romm’s llegations.

Let me say unequivocally, the following things:

1. Gore was right to admit that the slide was problematic and then pull it from his talk.

2. Gore has continuing problems using the Munich Re slide to make the same point.

3. Munich Re has published in the peer reviewed literature arguing that attribution of disasters to GHGs is not possible at this time, most recently last week.

4. An expert workshop that I co-organized with Munich Re concluded the same thing (PDF), and the results were published in Science (PDF).

5. There are no peer-reviewed papers documenting a link between GHG emissions and the long-term trend in disasters.

6. In the United States extreme events have actually declined over the long-term, not increased.

7. I will not parse the meaning of the word “this” as Joe Romm wants to do. The science on this subject is clear and unambiguous.

8. I have been banned from Joe Romm’s blog, so I cannot post this link there, so if a reader would do so, I would be obliged.

I trust that readers can see what Joe says, see what I say, and come to their own informed judgments about what to believe. If you have any questions, please ask me. I am perfectly happy to discuss any and all aspects of this issue, including the various technical details of the many peer-reviewed research papers that I have on this subject. See Roger Jr.’s post here.

Posted on 03/01 at 07:51 PM
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