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Thursday, August 26, 2010
Selective Memory

By Joseph D’Aleo, CCM

It has been, typical of La Nina summers after an El Nino winter, very warm in the east and central US. Some of our hottest summers have come in such years including most recently 1999, 1995, 1988, and 1977. 

Here is the anomaly since June 1, 2010 (below, enlarged here).


Alarmists including Michael Mann, Joe Romm and Al Gore and their friends in the mainstream media have used the heat in the east and south and in parts of Russia along with the heavy rains in Pakistan as further proof of global warming. They conveniently ignore the concurrent record cold in coastal California, the record cold and snow in South America, Africa and Australia.

Last summer when the heat was notable by its absence for the second straight year in the UK and in the central US, it was proclaimed as the vagaries of weather and not climate and anyone who made a big deal of that was admonished that they did not understand the difference between the two.

Last July (2009) was in fact the coldest July on record (131 years) in parts of the Ohio Valley east to PA and nearly the coldest in the North Central states, the Tennessee Valley and Mid-Atlantic where the heat has focused this year (below, enlarged here).


Then came the Northern Hemisphere winter. The winter was the coldest ever in parts of the south (dark blue areas) and well below normal in most of the south and central (below, enlarged here).


Heavy snow fell in many of the southern states east to the Mid-Atlantic. All time record seasonal snowfall occurred in the Mid-Atlantic (Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Atlantic City). Record February snowfall fell in New York City. It was the second snowiest on record in Dallas and as far north as Des Moines, Iowa. We had the longest stretch of sub 80F temperatures in much of the south from Texas and Arkansas to the Carolinas to Florida and the longest stretch of sub 50F days on record in parts of Florida (link).

Extreme cold and heavy snows also fell across much of Eurasia. In parts of Russia it was the coldest ever. In most other locations the coldest since 1977/78. It was the coldest since 1962/63 in Scotland, since 1971/72 in North China (below, enlarged here).


It had followed two straight winters when extreme cold and all time record snows fell in many parts of the northern United States and Southern Canada. And winters where snow, paralyzing in spots fell in unusual places worldwide including Iraq, Saudi Srabia, South Africa, Brazil, southern China (below, enlarged here).


But that was weather we are told. In fact as we discussed here it was the result of a number of natural factors and a sign of things to come with respect to weather AND climate.  Meantime, don’t be surprised to hear the media play the summer up big time this year, in sharp contrast to how they ignored the inconvenient weather in recent years. For example see this story although it achieves some balance with a reality check by meteorologists. See more on 2010 Perception vs Reality here and New Scientist’s story correctly blaming the extremes on an errant jet stream. The persistence of those wiggles in the jets tream may be solar related as we indicated in that story.

See PDF here



Critical Details About Climate
by Kim Greenhouse on August 23, 2010

Joe D’Aleo joins us to discuss Surface Temperatures: A Policy Driven Deception, a new report that he co-wrote with Anthony Watts. Joe separates fact from fiction about CO2 and outlines its benefits and functions. Join us and learn how the EPA declared CO2 a toxin based on an analysis by a team with an agenda to control carbon and how we use energy and energy sources. Listen to this one hour interview here.

Posted on 08/26 at 01:10 AM
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