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The Blogosphere
Friday, April 15, 2011
UN posted prediction of 50 million climate refugees by 2010 was off… by only 50 million

By Aaron Worthing on Patterico’s Publications

You might remember the other day I pointed out how the UN predicted 50 million climate refugees by 2010, a prediction that came up laughably short of the mark by only around 50 million.  Well, if you go to that post and click on the link to the UN page making that claim...something funny happens.  You get this:


Of course the great thing about the UN is that even though they are a dishonest-to-evil club for dictators they are also clumsy.  Apparently no one at the U.N. knew there was such a thing as a google cache.

A big hat tip to Carlitos.  But for his tip, I never would have known the page had disappeared.  I had moved on.

Also, I will be putting up screen shots of the google cache (and the full “page not found” screen cap) under the fold, in case someone at the U.N. grows a brain.





See post and comments including one UN apologist here.


Ten Major Failures of Consensus Science
By Joe D’Aleo

The US congress sub-committee on Energy and Commerce Committee held hearings on whether to restrict in some way the EPA’s regulatory authority relative to greenhouse gas emissions. There were 7 scientists invited to testify. Three of the four who argued not to restrict the EPA played a key role in the last IPCC report (and will also in the next one) and generally started with the position that IPCC science was sound and there was a consensus of all real scientists.

In this analysis we take a look at the IPCC based science.

Robert Ferguson
Science and Public Policy Institute

Posted on 04/15 at 09:16 PM
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