Frozen in Time
May 24, 2024
Climate Stupidity

By James T. Moodey

Before the post...this from Mike Smith with examples.

As We Close Out May: State Record Hot Temperatures
By Mike Smith - May 31, 2024

Now we are one day from meteorological summer, we will be bombarded by climate activists trying to tie global warming into every heat wave. Earlier today I wrote about how the Tonga Volcano is causing—natural—heat waves even years after the eruption.

Below is a map showing the year that each state’s record high temperatures were set for the month of May.


Note how relatively few of them occurred post 2000. Some were set more than 100 years ago. So, when the MSM attempts to tie global warming to hot temperatures, please keep this map in mind. Humans affect the weather --no question—but it is not the primary mechanism.

One other item:



Back to Climate Stupidity

The specific gravity of carbon dioxide is 1.52 relative to dry air - the same weight as propane.  It is even heavier in relation to our humid atmosphere, ranging around 1.61.  It falls through the atmosphere about like a cottonseed.  Wind can blow it upward, but it falls right back down.  It acts like rainwater, seeking low points.  We do not need to build pipelines to inject it into the ground.  It sinks into to the ground all by itself.

Photosynthesis (CO2 + Sunlight + H2O) cannot exist without carbon dioxide.  Photosynthesis uses sunlight to transform carbon dioxide into glucose and other organic compounds that make plants, and it transforms water into oxygen, which is exuded.

We breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.  Plants absorb carbon dioxide and give us oxygen.  As Patrick Moore (co-founder of Greenpeace) has pointed out for over ten years, carbon dioxide is critical to the life cycle of the plant and animal kingdoms.  He has referenced analysis that indicates that nearly triple the carbon dioxide content in our atmosphere would be more ideal for plant life.  He is correct.

“[An] increase in carbon dioxide directly increases plant photosynthesis. If photosynthesis ceased, there would soon be little food or other organic matter on Earth.  Most organisms would disappear, and in time Earth’s atmosphere would become nearly devoid of gaseous oxygen” (Britannica, ref. Plant Physiology, Salisbury, and Ross).

Furthermore, carbon dioxide does not cause warming.  It cools 20 degrees Fahrenheit in less than 4 minutes.  It cannot possibly retain heat from day to day (global warming).  We know this because we measured it at my gas-physics Weights and Measures facility.  We also measured humid atmosphere including all the trace gases therein.  That cools about 1 degree every 32 minutes, or 20 degrees in roughly 11 hours. 

Carbon dioxide will therefore cool as fast as the Sun and the atmosphere allow it to cool.  Even our humid atmosphere cools too quickly to retain heat from day to day.  The latter test also proves that no gas - not carbon dioxide, nitrogen, methane, or even humid air - retains temperature from day to day.  These experiments are detailed in the book referenced below.

The stupidity began in 1988, when James Hansen, who coined the term “global warming,” flip-flopped from “global cooling” to “global warming” being dangerous.  He testified before Al Gore’s committee and Gore fed the fear with $22 billion in annual funding for universities and professors to study the matter.  Hansen’s claim is a falsehood.  People move to warmer climates for their health.  Consider all the species, in the plant and animal kingdoms, that thrive near the equator, and none survives at the poles.

Yet, out of desperation for the money, professors cornered themselves into attempts to prove a falsehood true.  To do that, one must lie or proffer chimerical theories.  This has led climate change activists to demand devastating economic rules to assuage their self-induced fears.  They fear a recurrence of the 1.16 degrees Fahrenheit global temperature rise over the past century; meanwhile, temperatures rise and fall 20 degrees each day.  They fear that sea levels might rise millimeters in decades to come while tides rise and fall six feet each day.

Ever wonder why they decided to vilify CO2 rather than smog?  This mental disintegration began with our first climate change bureaucracy.  The Federal Clean Air Act authorized states to make their own rules.  What a mistake that was. 

See CO2 the Gas of Life here See Carbon Dioxide: The Gas of Life. Tiny amounts of this miracle molecule make life on Earth possible. It is a Special Report for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow By Paul Driessen.


The logic of global warming alarmism - i.e., fear of the hand of man - is a sign of the times. What about nature’s footprint?

GW has been called a mass mania. Is it more? Is it an anti-humanism that would consign humanity’s future to the whims of anti-industrialist Utopians in Ivory Towers? Is it a new age doomsday religion preaching apocalyptic Thermageddon? Has government-funded production of hybrid cars become a Golden Calf?

Realists have been watching this dumbing-down of society and the government-funded education system for years. Global warming alarmism is just one of many indications of the spiral into oblivion of Western civilization.

Leading the spiral down are accepted behaviors that lead to the ruction of morals, ethics and even the principles of the scientific method. These accepted behaviors undermine our personal faith and shared cultural confidence in our abilities to overcome ignorance and superstition with reason and knowledge. They rub all of our collective noses in societies’ lack of will to discriminate between good and bad.

We no longer feel the need to reward excellence and personal achievement over self-destruction and self-defeating nihilism. If you don’t know and understand that fear of global warming is simply a symptom of a sick, corrupt and mentally dysfunctional zeitgeist - a case of global societal ADHD that has spread across and infected all of the Leftist and liberal fascists in the Northern hemisphere- then, answer these questions:

“Why do scientists and news stories blame everything on global warming?

“… Why is warming always framed as bad news?

“Why does so much ‘research’ claim a warmer planet ‘may’ lead to more diarrhea, acne and childhood insomnia, more juvenile delinquency, war, violent crime and prostitution, death of the Loch Ness Monster - and even more Mongolian cows dying from cold weather?

“… Why is it a bad thing that more CO2 helps plants tolerate droughts better and re-vegetate deserts?

“...Why do ‘error corrections’ always seem to result in more warming than originally predicted, instead of less?

“ And why do taxpayers have to shell out Big Bucks on this stuff?

“… If we didn’t know better, we’d think the operative rules were: Never seek logical or alternative answers, if you can blame a phenomenon or problem (like decreasing frog populations) on global warming. Do whatever it takes and fund whatever research is needed, to advance the goals of ending hydrocarbon use, increasing government control and ‘transforming’ society. And always include the terms ‘global warming’ or ‘climate change’ in any grant application.

“It may not be corruption. But it sure skews the research, conclusions and policy recommendations.”

Driessen P, Soon W, Legates DR. Cause for alarm? (May 23, 2010)

Will the Left apologize to the American people for blaming George Bush and not Katrina for flooding New Orleans?

Who plays politics with the weather? It goes back to Al Gore, VP under Bill Clinton. The motivation behind the fearmongering about deep and disastrous climate change disruption has nothing to do with what is good for the people; and, it has everything to do with more power to an out-of-control federal bureaucracy that has grown too large to fail. Only the dishonest refuse to admit global warming is a Left vs. right issue that is more social than science.

Climatists of global warming alarmism essentially have given up pretending that they can use science to make their case against Western industrial man; they’ve given up on reason. The climatism of the weather fearmongers has evolved to the point now where it has the credibility of earthquake prediction science. The official ‘science’ of the global warming alarmist community is simply to pray for catastrophe and then point. The only real ‘consensus’ that exists, now that Bush is gone, is to simply blame capitalism whatever Nature brings our way.

See, e.g.:

This by Judith Curry here , and comments by WUWT in weekly roundup here.

Terence Corcoran (Financial Post, 29-Oct-12) gets it and correctly exposes the warp and woof of the Left’s hype machinery, busily weaving hairshirts for the rest of us to wear, as follows: As gloom descended over the warmist camps across the continent, their overheated claims flickering dimly like dying campfires, their cause lost, there suddenly rose in the East a powerful force [Hurricane Sandy]. Look! What’s that on the horizon? A mighty blast of good news! FRANKENSTORM...The Natural Resources Defence Fund tweeted the blessed arrival of Sandy. Soon the idea [i.e., linking carbon emissions with natural disasters] was in all the media where such junk science routinely finds a home: The Huffington Post, The Atlantic, blogs at The Washington Post.

May 08, 2024
Young adults losing the climate faith in the US, one third of voters think IPCC experts are right

By Jo Nova

Good news: despite 2023 being the hottest year since Homo Erectus, there was a 17% fall in the number of 18 to 34 year olds who call “Climate change” a very serious problem. Even though there were hottest-ever-headlines month after month, the punters lost the faith.

No one is cracking champagne, because 50% of young adults still tell pollsters they think it is a “very serious problem”. But when all is said and done, at least half the generation that was drip-fed the dogma since kindergarten, can not only see through the catastrophism but they are brave enough to tell a pollster that too.

For the most part, after a few hot El Nino years, “climate fear” is back where it was in 2016 or so. Most people still want the government to solve the weather with someone else’s money. But where younger people were once much more enthusiastic about a Big Government fix than older people were, now that gap is almost closed. What was a 21% difference between those age groups is now only 2%. That’s a whopping fall in faith in the government to do something useful, or probably, a recognition that whatever the government does, it will cost too much.

Looks like young adults are learning to be cynical adults faster?

The Monmouth university group polled 804 people in late April:

Climate Change Concerns Dip:  Younger adults express less urgency than in prior polls

The percentage of Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 who see climate change as a very serious problem has fallen by 17 points in the past three years (50%, down from 67% in 2021), compared with smaller declines among those who are 35 to 54 years old (44%, down from 48%) and those age 55 and older (44%, down from 54%).

Monmouth poll on Climate Change

But what does “a very serious problem” even mean?

Anyone can say “it’s serious” but only 1 in 6 people can even be bothered pretending to a pollster that climate change influences their vote:

A Monmouth poll released last month found only 15% of voters view climate change as a determinative issue in how they will vote in the 2024 presidential election, ranking far lower than inflation, immigration, and abortion.

People used to lie to pollsters and say they cared and it would affect their vote, but now most don’t even pretend. In 2019 in the UK two-thirds of people agreed climate was the biggest issue facing humankind. The Guardian writers were sure that climate change would determine how most of the voters would vote, but the party promising to give them better weather lost in a landslide.

In 2015, when nearly half of US voters said climate was a “very serious problem”, other surveys showed only 3% ranked climate change as the most important issue.

If a twenty-something really believed the Antarctic ice cap was about to melt, wouldn’t it rate as a voting issue?


Wide Awake Media
One of the world’s most respected scholars, Thomas Sowell, on the “man-made global warming"” scam:

“Temperatures went up first, and then there was the increase in CO2. You can’t say that A causes B if B happens first… But [the scientists] who are pushing global warming are doing their damnedest to make sure that those who believe the opposite don’t get heard in the public.”
Fully 92% of Democrat voters says they think climate change is real. (What else could they say, they’d be excommunicated from friends and family if they said anything else.) Only 51% of Republicans tell pollsters they think climate change is real. But imagine how fast that would plummet if skeptical professors were interviewed on TV, and half of Republican politicians spoke for half the Republican voters?

Only a third of voters agree with the UN Experts that climate change is mainly a human driven thing

Despite the UN experts being 97% certain, only one third of voters completely agree with them. That’s really quite astounding.

Public opinion remains mixed on the degree to which human behavior contributes to change in the climate. Just over one-third (34%) say climate change is caused mainly by human activity while 31% say human activity and natural changes in the environment play equal roles. Another 7% put climate change down mainly to natural causes, with the remainder saying climate change is not happening (23%) or are not sure if it is happening (4%). Just over half of Americans (51%) say there is still time to prevent the worst effects of climate change while just 17% say it is too late.

After thirty years of scientific and media purity, only one third think climate change is “mostly human”. Another third think the UN must be exaggerating, and the last third know the UN is wrong.

The Monmouth University poll, Climate Change Concerns Dip, May 6th, 2024

See Mark Perry’s post of the IPCC predictions are 0 ot 50 correct here.


Wide Awake Media
One of the world’s most respected scholars, Thomas Sowell, on the “man-made global warming"” scam:

“Temperatures went up first, and then there was the increase in CO2. You can’t say that A causes B if B happens first… But [the scientists] who are pushing global warming are doing their damnedest to make sure that those who believe the opposite don’t get heard in the public.”

See video here

May 04, 2024
Radical leftists say oil companies are committing climate murder!

Paul Driessen

With little but GIGO computer models to support them, climate activists in and out of government block pipelines, file lawsuits to bankrupt fossil fuel projects, and promote bizarre views about “climate justice.” Their latest scheme proposes that DAs and AGs prosecute oil companies for “climate homicide,” for supposedly killing people by causing deadlier hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, heatwaves, blizzards and wildfires. They refuse to discuss the absence of evidence for these supposed manmade climate disasters and deaths.

But what they really don’t want to discuss is: Who is actually committing mass murder, especially of women, children, people of color and other “particularly threatened” groups so supposedly beloved by climate justice warriors? That’s because the real serial killers are those environmental extremists - who deny the world’s poorest people access to the energy, disease control and agriculture that makes modern living standards, healthcare and life itself possible.

I address all these issues in my new commentary. Thank you for posting it, quoting from it, and forwarding it to your friends and colleagues.

Best regards,


Radical leftists say oil companies are committing climate murder!

They’re gaslighting voters and consumers - when the real mass killers are environmentalists

Paul Driessen

We’re constantly told fossil fuel use is causing an existential climate crisis, extreme weather, worsening wildfires, and more frequent and intense hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and droughts.

Actual temperature, storm and other records provide no support for these claims. They certainly don’t back up ludicrous assertions that burning coal, oil and natural gas - and even human breathing and baking pizzas in wood-fired ovens - are causing countless alleged calamities: such as slowing Earth’s rotation, thereby affecting scientific time clocks (by one second). The fact is, Earth’s climate is perfectly healthy.

The claims are based primarily on computer models that erroneously assume carbon dioxide and a few other “greenhouse gases” (0.05% of Earth’s atmosphere, in total) control the climate, while the sun plays virtually no role, urban heat islands are inconsequential, and incompetent forest management is irrelevant.

It’s gaslighting: perversions of truth designed to make us guilt-ridden, willing to slash our living standards, and happy to keep poor countries energy-deprived and impoverished.

In the USA and worldwide, fossil fuels still provide 80% of total energy. They’re also the foundation for our economy, living standards, health and longevity - and over 6,000 vital products, including plastics, paints, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, cell phones, eyeglasses, fertilizers and wind turbine blades.

“Earth-friendly” wind and solar installations would blanket millions of acres of farmland, scenic areas and wildlife habitats; require billions of tons of ores; generate billions of tons of toxic water and air pollution from mining and manufacturing; and send electricity prices skyrocketing to pay for expensive battery or gas backup systems, and extensive new transmission lines and grid upgrades.

Climate Defiance, Extinction Rebellion and other radical groups nevertheless block pipelines, rant and rampage through our streets, deface priceless artwork, and glue themselves to roads and statues, to intimidate legislators and regulators.

Others file endless lawsuits to bankrupt fossil fuel projects and promote their twisted views about “climate justice.” Their latest scheme could be viewed as the culmination of their self-indoctrination.

A recent Harvard Environmental Law Review article proposes prosecuting major oil companies for “climate homicide” and “mass murder” - for supposedly killing people, by raising global temperatures and sea levels, and causing deadlier hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, heatwaves, blizzards and wildfires.

Media outlets eagerly promoted the claims - and Soros-funded prosecutors will undoubtedly be thrilled to indict ExxonMobil and other companies, once they’ve put more flash-mob thieves back on our streets.

But not even these prosecutors - or any judge, jury or “expert witness” - can separate natural from human causes of modern climate change. Nor can they calculate fractions of manmade-climate-change-induced disasters attributable to coal, oil, gas, dung, or “renewable” energy mining and manufacturing; to China and India versus Europe and the United States; or certainly to specific energy companies.

What they really don"t want addressed in this “climate homicide” discussion, however, is who is actually committing mass murder, especially of women and children, people with disabilities, people of color and other “particularly threatened” groups so supposedly beloved by climate justice warriors.

My book, Eco-Imperialism: Green power - Black death, forcefully demonstrates that it is these self-righteous climate and environmental activists, and those who fund them, that are callously causing the eco-murder deaths of millions every year - and setting the stage for dramatically more in the future.

These environmentalist death tolls have worsened, as greens became wealthier, more powerful, more fanatical, and more influential with and within US, EU and UN government agencies.

More than 750 million people still have no access to electricity; nearly 2 billion have only sporadic access to barely enough electricity to charge cell phones and power a lightbulb or 1-cubic-foot refrigerator - and no juice for modern homes, schools and hospitals, water purification, or factories and other job-creating businesses.

These people are forced to heat and cook with wood, charcoal or animal dung, inhaling noxious fumes that cause millions of deaths annually from respiratory diseases. Millions more die annually from intestinal diseases due to contaminated water and spoiled food, due to energy deprivation.

Green fanatics perpetuate the death tolls, by battling anything except grossly insufficient, weather-dependent wind and solar power. (In European and other modern countries, people die of heatstroke when they cannot get or afford air conditioning; nine times more die from cold - from hypothermia and illnesses they’d normally survive if they could afford to heat their homes properly.)

The fanatics also wage campaigns to deny Third World people access to insecticides and spatial insect repellants that would control disease-carrying flies and mosquitoes and even modern farming practices and technologies. Millions more thus die every year from diseases that are readily preventable or could be cured in modern hospitals (that don’t exist).

No wonder developing nations increasingly reject Western carbon colonialism.

Radical food groups despise genetically engineered crops that multiply crop yields, survive droughts and slash pesticide spraying by 75% or more. They vilify Golden Rice, which enables malnourished children to avoid Vitamin A Deficiency, blindness and death.

They demand “AgroEcology,” which rejects virtually everything that helps modern farmers feed billions more people (read this article!) with less acreage and water, and could largely eliminate hunger and malnutrition worldwide. The perverse movement rabidly opposes biotechnology, chemical insecticides, nitrogen fertilizers, and even hybrid seeds, monoculture farming and mechanized equipment like tractors.

It demands “food sovereignty” for impoverished, malnourished Africans, Asians and Latin Americans - the right to “define their own food and agriculture systems” and have “healthy and culturally appropriate” food produced through “ecologically sound and sustainable methods.”

Even more bizarre and frightening, major philanthropies like the Rockefeller Foundation and Walton Family Foundation support this craziness! So do the World Bank and many UN agencies.

They say the world’s food production systems should be “aligned” with the purely arbitrary goal of preventing more than 1.5C of global warming since 1850, by “phasing out fossil fuel use, especially fossil-fuel-based chemicals in industrial agriculture.”

Farmers who want to “define their own food and agriculture systems” by choosing modern technologies and practices get ostracized instead of supported.

It’s increasingly obvious that climate fear-mongering and GIGO computer models have replaced evidence-based science, history, human nutrition needs and traditional ethical principles. More and more, it is regulating and academic elites versus the rest of us, in rich and poor countries alike.

But on a more positive note, climate cultists chomping at the bit to see oil companies prosecuted for climate murder should be careful what they wish for. Such a precedent could put eco-imperialists and their financiers on trial for manslaughter on a truly horrific scale.

Paul Driessen is senior policy analyst for the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (, and author of articles and books on environmental, climate and human rights issues. Contact me at

Apr 05, 2024
The age of underpopulation is here

Steve Goreham

The age of overpopulation is over. The age of underpopulation is here.  After decades of warnings and fear about an overpopulation crisis, population is now rapidly declining in most of the world. The overpopulation disaster predicted by world elites did not occur.

Total fertility rate is the average number of children born per woman. Demographers tell us that a country’s fertility rate must be at least 2.1 children per woman to sustain the current level of population.

According to data from the United Nations, total world population still continues to rise, but population is declining in all major nations, where fertility rates have fallen below the minimum population replacement rate. Africa is the only continent where the population continues to grow. According to birth rates and without counting immigration flows, population is now falling in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia, the United States, and all European nations except Monaco and the Faroe Islands.

For the last four decades of the 20th Century, world leaders warned of a coming catastrophe from an uncontrolled rise in global population. In 1950, the average woman was birthing about five children during her lifetime. Global population was growing at a rate of about two percent per year by 1955.

The Population Bomb, written by Paul Ehrlich in 1968, became a worldwide best seller. The prologue of the book stated, “The battle to feed all of humanity is over. In the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now.” The author warned of coming famines and resource shortages and advocated for compulsory population control.

The fear of overpopulation produced a population control movement by the early 1970s. A consistent theme of the movement was that population growth was unplanned. Ehrlich stated: “A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells; the population explosion is an uncontrolled multiplication of people.”

The United Nations indicated that people were not intelligent enough to plan their own families. James Grant, Undersecretary General for the UN, wrote in 1992: “Family planning could bring more benefits to more people at less cost than any other single technology available to the human race.”

Convinced by the overpopulation elites, governments of the world endorsed tragic population control measures. By the 1970s, it became US government policy to grant foreign aid only if population control measures were implemented. The World Bank and the UN also established policies requiring population control in exchange for loans or aid.

During the last decades of the 20th Century, population programs proposed by Western intellectuals and the UN were implemented in the form of anti-human policies by the governments of China, India, and dozens of other nations. The government of India established sterilization and intrauterine device insertion quotas in 1966. Over 40 million people were sterilized between 1965 and 1985, most coercively.

The People’s Republic of China implemented population policies in 1970 and adopted a one-child policy for all families in 1979. By March 2013, the China government reported that 336 million abortions and 222 million sterilizations had been carried out since 1971. Sex-selection abortion became common and even the killing of girl babies was practiced in both China and India.

Population control policies typically disproportionally impacted disadvantaged races or social classes. In India, coercive policies often targeted people of lower castes. In 1966, sterilization programs were set up at federally funded Indian Health Service hospitals in the US. Thousands of Native American women were sterilized between 1966 and 1976, often without informed consent. In Peru, sterilizations targeted rural natives of Incan descent.

But the overpopulation intellectuals were wrong. Famine did not kill hundreds of millions of people as Ehrlich predicted. Instead, an agricultural revolution increased global output of corn, rice, and wheat by a factor of five from 1960 to 2023. The malnourished portion of world population declined from 30 percent in 1950 to 10 percent today and continues to fall.

A graph showing the growth of corn and rice


The world fertility rate dropped from about five children per woman in 1950 to 2.3 children per woman in 2021 and continues to fall. The population growth rate dropped to 0.82 percent per year by 2021 and is declining rapidly.

A graph showing the number of fertility rates


Nations moved from agricultural, to industrial, to technological societies, achieving the elimination of infectious disease, improved sanitation, improved food supply, a decline in infant mortality, and rising levels of education. Women entered the work force in larger numbers and family sizes declined.

But despite tragic implementation of population control policies in several nations, today’s families are having fewer children, the world population is stabilizing, and the predicted overpopulation disaster did not happen. Governments now pursue programs to boost family size in China, Japan, South Korea, and many nations of Europe.

But didn’t population control programs cause the drop in fertility rates? The answer is “no.” Fertility rates dropped faster in South Korea than in China, driven by economic development, rising incomes, and increased levels of education and workforce participation for women, without forced population control measures. Fertility rates dropped faster in Brazil and Mexico due to demographic changes, than in India where forced population control was employed.

What is the lesson from the overpopulation crisis that did not occur? The United Nations, the intellectuals, and strident political leaders were dead wrong about overpopulation. People do not multiply like cancer cells. Rather than being a species “out of control,” humans plan their own families and react to changing societal conditions. The lesson from the overpopulation debacle is that people adapt to their environment.

But the United Nations and world elites now warn of a coming climate catastrophe. They demand a costly energy transition to Net Zero emissions. They demand that we change our transportation and our home appliances, that we stop eating meat, and that we adopt hundreds of other proposed climate-saving remedies. Will we have a climate disaster, or will the global elites be wrong again?

Steve Goreham is a speaker on energy, the environment, and public policy and the author of the new bestselling book Green Breakdown: The Coming Renewable Energy Failure.

Mar 15, 2024
Natural Influences Driving Sea Level Rise Overlooked in Media’s Climate Coverage

Kevin Mooney

Sea level rise on planet Earth could be attributed in part to astronomical influences that involve the sun, moon, and other planets, according to a new research paper from The Heritage Foundation taking aim at media reports on climate change that fixate on carbon dioxide emissions while ignoring other factors.

The gravitational interactions of heavenly bodies throughout the solar system figure into a larger set of natural phenomena affecting the oceans, cited in Heritage’s special report. (The Daily Signal is Heritage’s news and commentary outlet.)

But because many media outlets and academic journals falsely assume that only warming periods and human activity can have significant impacts on sea level rise, they typically seize on definitions that are “ambiguous” and “insufficient,” writes David Legates, a climatologist and professor emeritus at the University of Delaware who is a visiting fellow at Heritage.

“A more useful definition of sea level rise or, as it should be called, coastal inundation, is the increase in water levels relative to the adjacent land,” Legates says in his report.

The new research paper can be a vital tool for policymakers, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, director of Heritage’s Center on Energy, Climate, and Environment, said.

“Professor Legates’ paper is extraordinarily important, because it explodes the myth that carbon emissions and industrialization are causing the seas to rise,” Furchtgott-Roth told The Daily Signal. “It is vital to understand the true causes of sea level rise in order to have cost-effective policies to deal with it.”

Read the special report, ”Coastal Inundation: Rising Sea Levels Explained

In the paper, Legates cautions policymakers against halting all man-made emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in the U.S., as climate activists urge, since there is “no evidence” these actions would mitigate whatever processes cause sea levels to rise, whether natural or man-made.

It’s a mistake to presuppose, as many media definitions do, that land is “immovable” when clearly it isn’t, he writes. Land may rise or descend in response to several factors, Legates explains:

Isostatic processes - where the crust [of the Earth] returns to a state of equilibrium due to the addition or removal of surface forces - usually occur over long time scales, often involving ice sheet formation and removal. But changes in coastal elevation also can be induced by glacial outwash, channelization of rivers, pumping of groundwater, and changes in land use.

Legates argues that sea levels have been rising since the end of the last ice age about 22,000 years ago, and more is at work than carbon dioxide, or CO2.

Legates dismantles climate alarmists’ positions on sea level rise that are part of a larger media narrative on “extreme weather” and related issues that, in his view, falsely conflate recent trends with human activity.

“Sea levels were rising at an accelerated rate between 7,000 years and 15,000 years ago, and that change in the rate of global sea level rise was not solely due to atmospheric carbon-dioxide concentrations,” Legates writes. “A much better explanation is that most sea level rise is a response to the interglacial period and that equilibrium of the polar ice caps has not yet been attained.”

The often circulated idea that sea levels will rise between 15 and 30 feet from 2023 to 2100 is “clearly political hype and does not represent the science, even as advocated by climate alarmists,” Legates writes.

The climatologist calls for a deeper appreciation and understanding for the natural processes at work.

“Understanding the intricacies of how sea levels rise and fall is considerably more nuanced than simply linking sea levels to changes in temperatures due to carbon dioxide emissions,” Legates writes, then cites jurisdictions in Florida and Virginia as examples.

“Clearly, when news reports highlight locations where coastal inundation has been the greatest (such as in Miami Beach and Virginia Beach), something other than global-warming-driven sea level rise must also be operating. Otherwise, the story would be the same in all coastal areas of the world.”

Factors other than CO2 “play a nontrivial role in sea level fluctuations and variability,” Legates writes. This is where the effects of planetary rotation and gravity enter the equation.

The sun’s activities have an impact on portions of the Pacific and Indian oceans, while the gravitational pulls of other heavenly bodies can alter how the Earth rotates, according to his paper.

Here is how Legates describes the astronomical dynamics in his paper:

Variations in the Earth’s rotation are induced by interactions within the sun - Earth - moon system (including the effects of Jupiter and nearby planets) and the solar wind that affects the Earth’s magnetosphere. As a result, water is redistributed among the tropics and poles due to the increase in the equatorial diameter of the Earth that occurs when the Earth’s rotation increases.

Sea levels, therefore, rise in the equatorial Pacific and Indian oceans during periods of the Grand Solar Minima, while they decrease during the Grand Solar Maxima. Observed variability in sea levels of 20 years to 26 years in duration can be attributed to the Earth’s rotation. The Earth’s gravitational attraction also is an important component in global and regional changes in sea levels.

Overall, where gravitational forces are stronger, sea levels will be higher, which is counterintuitive. In fact, as an ice sheet melts, sea levels decrease near the melting ice sheet but rise at a considerable distance from the melting ice sheet due to changes in gravitational forces. Since gravity is not constant over the entire planet, local and regional variations exist in sea level resulting from differences in the gravitational force.

Legates also addresses some concerns related to rising sea levels, such as the potential for storm surge and flooding in coastal areas. The professor concludes that coastal warning systems are far more efficient in protecting life and property than any efforts to reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

That’s because sea levels are rising from natural causes that have nothing to do with man-made circumstances, and the influence of greenhouse gases is “exceedingly small,” he writes.

The complete special report, “Coastal Inundation: Rising Sea Levels Explained,” is available here.

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