Frozen in Time
Jul 25, 2011
Monckton and Vaclav Klaus leave Australia warmists and public speechless

By Dr Bob Carter

The Australian press have done better (from their perspective) than last time at ignoring, or minimizing, Monckton’s press coverage.

That said, he has still got quite a lot of cover, and the debate appearance (which he won by the length of the straight) at the Press Club was priceless publicity for the cause. See:

Followed by Vaclav Klaus’appearance at the same venue yesterday, in which he completely wiped the floor with every reason that is given for Australia introducing a CO2 tax. From their body language and lame questions, it is clear that most in the audience were absolutely stunned and had no idea how to handle such a head-on, but beautifully low key, dismissal of their much-loved AGW shibboleth.

Priceless, but, of course, scarcely mentioned in the mainstream press.

Everyone should buy and read Vaclav Klaus’s book Blue Planet in Green Shackles. I was pleased to meet this courageous world leader in New York City and get a signed copy of his book. He gave a very moving address - go to the Heartland wesbite and look up ICCC I and watch for yourself.

See also “Green agenda has parallels with excesses of communism” in the Herald Sun.

And hear Alan Jones interview with Vaclav Klaus here.


James Marusek: A Chronological Listing of Early Weather Events
By James Marusek

Over the centuries, mankind has experienced tremendous rainfalls and massive floods, monster hurricanes and typhoons, destructive tornadoes, parched-earth droughts, strong gales, flash floods, great snowfalls and killer blizzards, lightning storms sent down from the heavens, blind dense fogs, freezing rain, sleet, great hail, and bone-chilling cold and even an occasional mudstorm or two and in-between, periods of warm sunshine and tranquility.

And we are still here. We are perhaps a little battered and bruised from the wear. But there is nothing new in the weather to fear because we have been there before. We have learned to cope. We have developed knowledge, skills and tools to reduce the effects of weather extremes.


Today, every time a heat wave or a great flood occurs (such as those in Russia and Pakistan this year), voices arise claiming this is more proof of man-made global warming. I wonder to myself if these voices are intentionally ignorant of historical weather extremes or just dishonest.

Early meteorologist and historians have documented weather for many centuries. Recently, I have compiled several of these accounts into “A Chronological Listing of Early Weather Events” and published this document on the Impact website.

This chronology covers the years 0 to 1900 A.D. (When downloading the file, please be a little patient. This is a master resource and the 6.5 MB file may take a few minutes to access.)

Why is a chronological listing of weather events of value? If one wishes to peer into the future, then a firm grasp of the past events is a key to that gateway. This is intrinsically true for the scientific underpinnings of weather and climate.


A fascinating chronology that believes the Gorian, enviro and media claims that recent extremes are unprecedented. Even the Little Ice Age had brutal summer heat waves like we saw last year in Russia or this year in Texas. See many examples of brutal winters like the last 4 followed by significant floods, drought and heat waves in summer causing major crop and livestock issues and famine.

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