Frozen in Time
Feb 01, 2007
A Personal Call for Modesty, Integrity, and Balance by Hendrik Tennekes

Climate Science: Roger Pielke, Sr., Research Group Weblog

Jan 26, 2007
If the Cap Fits:  Why our CEOs are warming to Kyoto.

KIMBERLEY A. STRASSEL, Wall Street Journal

Jan 17, 2007
Why Global Warming is Probably a Crock

James Lewis, American Thinker

As a scientist I’ve learned never to say “never.” So human-caused global warming is always a hypothesis to hold, at least until climate science becomes mature. 

Jan 13, 2007
“Will the sun cool us?”

Lawrence Solomon, Financial Post

Jan 09, 2007
Where is Winter?

Brandi Trapp, The South End

Americans have endured extreme weather this winter, but not just extreme cold.

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