Political Climate
May 26, 2008
Acidity Levels At An All-Times-High ?

Icecap Note: As the earth fails to warm, the alarmists turn their attention to other potential disasters we are causing with the burning of fossil fuels in stories like ”Acidity Levels At An All-Times-High”. In this tale, they note “Researchers from the Science journal recently reported an alarming increase in ocean acidification over the continental shelf of North America. The effects of the anomaly are very likely to include a series of negative impacts on the marine ecosystems. One of the conclusions reached by the scientists is that the acidification will lead to the corrosion of calcium carbonate exoskeletons in a large number of organisms. The explanation is that the CO2 mixed with ocean water forms the carbonic acid which has a corrosive effect on aragonite (the calcium carbonate mineral forming the shells of many sea creatures.) Apparently, the reason for the severe acidification could be connected to the ocean’s increased absorption of the carbon dioxide quantities from the atmosphere.”

For an alternative and more objective non-agenda driven view, I suggest this site. Dr. Anthoni of the New Zealand Sea Friends Organization takes an objective and in depth look at the topic. Dr. Anthoni begins: “The scientific literature and Internet are awash in articles relating to ocean acidification, mainly as part of a world-wide scare for global warming. Most are repeats of what others wrote, superficial and scare-mongering, and not worthy of mention...”

He introduces the topic with these questions “As the oceans absorb more and more CO2, they may become more acidic. Recent measurements suggest that this is the case and that grave consequences can be expected. But what is the story? Should we be alarmed? How much is known and how much is not? Is ocean acidification another hoax, a swindle, or do we need to pay serious attention? What are the threats to the oceans? How does ocean acidification work? What is the carbon cycle? We will try to foster an in-depth understanding of the CO2 processes in the ocean and where present science fails.

He finds show that the sea does not at all work as expected, and that marine plants (and corals) depend more or less on symbiotic decomposition and shows a lowering of the pH is beneficial to overall productivity and biomass. In the conclusion he notes “In the science of ocean acidification, our ignorance exceeds our knowledge by a large margin.”

Thanks to Dr. Gary Sharp and ”It’s All About Time” for the link.


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