Political Climate
Apr 13, 2008
CBO Report Exposes Lieberman-Warner Bill’s $1.2 Trillion Tax Increase

By Matthew Dempsey and Marc Morano, EPW Minority Blog

Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Ranking Member of the Environment & Public Works Committee, today commented on the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) cost estimate for the America’s Climate Security Act - S. 2191 (Lieberman-Warner) global warming cap-and-trade bill. 

“Today’s CBO analysis reveals that the Lieberman-Warner bill will impose a $1.2 trillion tax increase over the next 10 years,” Senator Inhofe said. “As the economy continues to face uncertain times and as energy prices soar, this new analysis shows once again why this bill is wrong for America. CBO also says the bill would increase entitlement spending by $1.3 trillion over the next 10 years.

“Senator Boxer just does not get it. Recognizing the tremendous burden this bill would have on the economy, she is attempting to use fuzzy math to cover up the enormous tax increase American families will face. Knowing the bill as reported out of the EPW Committee would add significantly to the deficit, the sponsors of the bill slipped a secret amendment to CBO in order to claim the bill would have no impact on the federal budget. They hope the American public will focus on this budget gimmick instead of the enormous tax increase that this bill would impose. Adding insult to injury, hundreds of billions of the new entitlement spending will be controlled by an unaccountable seven person board.” See this release here.

See also how Democrats Face ‘Ferocious Infighting’ Over Global Warming Legislation in 2008 in this post Boxer-Dingell Differences Likely Mean No Global Warming Bill in 2008,

Apr 11, 2008
Blog Bully Crows over BBC Climate Victory, Icecap Response

By Andrew Orlowski, The Register

Bullying bloggers are no strangers to online media - especially when they’re Single Issue Fanatics (SIF). “They’re deeply emotional, they’re bullies, and they often don’t get out enough,” the BBC’s Adam Curtis noted here last year. This week, campaigner Jo Abbess is boasting about how she browbeat the BBC into modifying a story about Global Warming. The BBC has defended the changes to its story.
Abbess swung into action on Friday after the BBC’s Roger Harrabin reported comments by World Meteorological Organisation secretary general Michel Jarraud. In a story titled “Global temperatures ‘to decrease’”, Harrabin wrote: “The World Meteorological Organisation’s secretary-general, Michel Jarraud, told the BBC it was likely that La Nina would continue into the summer. This would mean global temperatures have not risen since 1998, prompting some to question climate change theory.”

La Nina is the cooling phase of what’s called the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which affects the sea surface in the central and eastern Equatorial Pacific. Nina alternates with El Nino, which raises temperatures. We’re entering the Niņa phase. Global temperatures have been static from their 1998 peak, when El Nino peaked.

It’s nicely illustrated by this graph of the ENSO cycle which also shows how foolish it is to extrapolate anything from short-term trends. 

The plateau in temperature this century was acknowledged by IPCC chief Dr. Rajendra Pachauri back in January.”

That is when alarmist Jo Abbess started her assault that got the journalist to capitulate and change his story, The story was first broke by Jennifer Marohasy on here blog here and reported by Glenn Beck in his CNN Headline News television show with a segment that included Noel Sheppard of Newsbusters. Read more of the Register story here. Read more of the email exchange and the reaction from within the activist campaign here.

See why using that chart and argument now opens up the AGW crowd to the ultimate falsification of their flawed theory in the ICECAP RESPONSE here. See combination of the story and response here.

Apr 10, 2008
Global Hustle

By Charlie Daniels, Charlie Daniels Soapbox

Let me preface this by saying that I truly believe we should take better care of the planet we live on. In my book companies who try to hide their poisonous waste in landfills should be severely dealt with. I recycle, I don’t litter and I believe that the rain forest should be preserved. I think pouring toxins into our streams and rivers is tantamount to a criminal act.

But there is no way I am going to buy into global warming as anything but a blatant attempt to control industry, take freedom away from the people and put political power into the hands of a bunch of elitist wimps who would like nothing better than to tell America what to do, how to think and how many trips they can make to the bathroom every day. People, this is nothing but a bald faced power grab using flawed science and scare tactics aided by a lap dog media and opportunist politicians and globalists who see a way to squeeze America a little more.

If Al Gore and his disciples are so convinced they are right, why won’t they let the other side be heard? Why do they suppress scientific information that proves them to be wrong about global warming? If their theory, and people it’s nothing more than that, a theory, and if it is right why can’t it stand the light of debate? Why not have a nationally televised debate letting both sides have their say? I’ll tell you why not. It’s because they can’t stand the white hot light of the real truth. There are just as many imminent scientists who are anti global warming as pro global warming. The problem is that the ones who don’t support global warming cannot find a forum to be heard in and the rest are afraid of losing their grant money.

And the biggest hoax and the silliest proposal of all, carbon credits. This is just downright dumb. If one company or individual doesn’t create their quota of carbon emissions in a year’s time they can sell their shortfall to someone who creates more than their quota.  Read more here.

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