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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
12 Step Pledge for All Climate Scientists

Across the globe, millions of people have been transformed by the values expressed within various 12 step self-improvement or recovery from addiction programs. ICECAP finds some of those principles relevant to the efforts to understand global climate change.

The climate change issue is highly polarized with scientists invested in one side of the issue or the other.  How about a similar kind of program for climate scientists? On Icecap, our scientists are willing to take such a pledge. We encourage all climate scientists to join us.

12 step program (code of ethics) for all climate scientists

- Admit that science is powerless, for now, to completely understand the world around us, and thus conclude that we can, from lack of objectivity, make our work unmanageable and misguide mankind.

- Admit that we can only partially measure the power of nature and how it brings balance to our environment.-

- Make a fearless inventory of any immoral motivations that may be interfering with the scientific method.

- Admit, when necessary, through this website and within all available media, our miscalculations.

- Trust, nonetheless, that these mistakes are to be celebrated as part of the process of true understanding and for a greater good.

- Humbly embrace all who will participate in the search for truth and never condemn or castigate those who differ with our conclusions.

- Make a list of all concerns about which we may have been misguided, while honestly and with humility and respect, updating them with current insight.

- Make direct and prompt contact with those that we may have inadvertently misguided, where possible and no further harm can occur.

- Take continuing intellectual inventory, and when we are wrong, promptly admit it.

- Through inner counsel and personal integrity, humbly submit to a methodology that allows for a true understanding of nature’s wonder.

- Having trained ourselves to understand nature with sensitivity, reverence and rigorous scientific inquiry, encourage all of humanity to share in our wonder and respect for the world around us.

Posted on 03/13 at 11:02 PM
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