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Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Climate Experts Expected To Continue Lying Right Up To January 20, 2017

Now we are down to FOX News and Faux News (all the other television networks and major metro newspapers and most magazines). The lies go on and on not just about politics but everything elitists progressives want you to believe.

By Tony Heller

The fake news Huffington Post says sea level at New York will rise six feet this century and they will have more heat waves.


New York City Could See Up To Six Feet Of Sea Level Rise This Century: Report | The Huffington Post

Apparently this panel of scientific experts didn’t look at any actual data. Over the past six years, sea level at both New York and Boston has fallen about two inches.



Sea level trends

There has been no increase in the number of hot days in New York, which peaked in 1955.


Away from the urban heat island effect of Manhattan, New York State has seen a sharp decline in the number of hot days.

Nationally, the percent of hot days has also plummeted.


Everything they said was fake news, but to be fair to this team of climate experts morons, NASA’s top climate expert believes Lower Manhattan is already underwater.

Stormy weather -


Note from Willie Soon:

Dear friends in New England…

This is truly a very stupid game they keep playing...they could not make themselves to show the NH resident the proper map of their own state...but blow up the tiny part where you are connected to the sea… See the latest laughable report.

See the local Climate Commission reportplanning to spend (and benefit greatly from billions

Tom Wysmuller is our local expert on sea level here.. I believe that I opted out to be on this NH sea level committee some years ago and told Tom about this and he may have attended some of the “meetings"…

Joe D’Aleo is of course our top meteorologist that can tell you all you need to know about the weather forecasting business using his analogy-based pattern
recognition method…

for a little cure on sea level scare ... here is one of my earlier insights:

Posted on 12/27 at 10:58 AM
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