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Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Global Warming Causing Tornadoes???? FACTS, not Feelings State Otherwise

By Joe Bastardi, WeatherBell

I simply cant understand the lack of fact finding in this article but I am going to “help” the author by showing him the facts, if he dares too look.

First of all, let’s take a look at actual data on tornadoes


Notice how there were more tornadoes across the US when the climate was colder, the time of the cold PDO back in the 60s and 70s and it has been decreasing since the PDO has warmed...and amazingly since Jim Hansen set the world on Fire in 1988 with his doom and gloom prophecy, the numbers have trended down! The reason they are going up is because we are turning colder again. The last 2 big tornado springs have been after major La Ninas and sharp drops in global temps. Here look at the facts:

THE PDO IS TURNING COLD AGAIN, and when the La Nina came on after the El Nino, 2008 had a major jump from 2007 and now this has occurred. Please look at the facts, here they are:


In fact, I just did a hit on national TV on April 7 th on this very matter,


how last year was so warm and tranquil


And this year had all the ingredients in it for major cold and warm fighting in clash. The evidence of seeing this before global warming got blamed:


I couldn’t have drawn it up any better, but I guess the author of the article wasn’t watching.

Now let me continue to drive home this point.

Look at the US temps for the same time period as the warmth you saw above for March 25-Apr 16 2010, the one below, this year


Major cold has been available, and if anything , over the last week has pressed had into the warmth that has been surging northeast.. But the point is that its THE FIGHT BECAUSE ITS GETTING COLDER. that leads to all this!!!

Not that its warm. One needs cold to press to cause the fights, one can see that with the major tornadoes in the globes colder cycle, and we are going back there because of the Pacific cooling now. Remember those low numbers of tornadoes last year. Lets look at temps last year in blue, the average in orange the record LOWS in purple and the current temps in red:


Look closely at what this says:


Only in a fantasy world would cooler mean warmer is causing an occurrence.

Of course the argument can come in, well if it had not been that warm before this would not have happened cause its turning colder. This is the new argument that is being used, and is straight out of the “feelings over facts” that we see going on nowadays. Well I got one for you, if had not been so cold before (then we wouldn’t have such “tranquility” when it warming up.. and since we will (and are) getting our answer on where all this is going (colder as the Pacific and then the Atlantic cool), if you search for the facts over feelings, you will find the answer.

But only if you are willing to look, and do the work! Obviously this article did not see this.

I want to show a close up of those temps and what has happened over the last year BASED ON OBJECTIVE SATELLITE DATA..not proxy reconstructions or whatever

While that “crash” will level off and may even come up in the coming months, a second drop is on the way later in the year. And its not like the climate models, are at least the ones that have the better physics in them aren’t catching this… From the JAMSTEC site:


These are its winter temp forecast...and though I think a) globally its a bit cool and b) its too warm in much of the US, lets look at how it did for
the core of the 2010 warmth


This is from Jan 2010, and its not like it did not see the warmth in advance.

There is a reason to why the weather and the climate behaves the way it does. And while I dont believe any mortal soul has the exact answer, it does help to look instead of mindlessly reciting on a one sided position.

As for me, I will again state my idea. We will get our answer in the next 20-30 years. If the globe does not cool back to where it was in the late 70s by 2030.. USING OBJECTIVE SATELLITE DATA, not against non satellite data that can be adjusted to fit the needs of the adjuster, then you will have no bigger cheerleader for the CO2 argument. But given what is in front of us the next decade or two, and the fact that overall temps have leveled off in spite of the continued increase in CO2, I am confident that the foundational evidence of the overall cyclical nature of the climate will carry the day.

What I am also confident of is global warming, climate change , climate disruption or the man in the moon for all I know is not causing all these tornadoes. And while I will stop short of advocating the idea of cooling causing it, that certainly has more factual basis if one looks and is objective than the article referenced in the link.  See full post. See Joe and friends tackle this same topic in a video on Weatherbell.

Both Joe and I are have been warning of an active spring with major outbreaks and more strong tornadoes based on La Nina and a cold PDO, persisting snow and cold in Canada and a warm Gulf. See post from March 11 here. See many other posts by Joe and I on on the spring snow and storm season.

Posted on 04/19 at 07:04 PM
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