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Friday, June 06, 2008
Global Warming in a Cooling World

By Bob Webster, WebCommentary

Headlines from around the world strongly suggest that the ardor for “doing something” about carbon emissions has cooled substantially, just as has global temperatures over recent years. Cooling ardor is due to the sobering recognition that the costs of current “green” proposals will far exceed any benefit. A cooling planet is most likely due to the same natural cycles that drove the natural warming of the ‘80s and ‘90s on whose back the “global warming” zealots hitched their propaganda campaign.

It should be worth noting that Gallup poll results show Republicans more in line with current international opinion than Democrats, who apparently haven’t looked out the window and noticed the cooling in recent years. This might be explained by the dominance of liberals in the Democrat Party. Also contributing to the disparity between Republicans and Democrats is their different perceptions of media honesty. Republicans are highly suspicious of media pronouncements; Democrats generally accept them as truth. American Liberalism is very much a religion with its tenets simply accepted on faith and never questioned. Whatever NPR says is taken as absolute truth. Gore is a prophet in the American Liberal mind. Therefore, human-caused global warming must be true, regardless of any evidence to the contrary.

During the 2000s global emissions of CO2 have risen at an accelerated pace (3% per year), principally due to rapid increases in Chinese emissions as a large number of coal-fired electricity-generating plants have come online. According to the IPCC theory, rising emissions should yield ever-increasing temperatures. Yet global temperatures have remained essentially stable over the past 10 years and the current year has seen a very significant drop in global temperatures. Simply put, climate is not behaving as the alarmists’ theory says it should. In fact, it is doing precisely the opposite! It’s a hard sell to convince people they need to roll back their quality of life to thwart off an imaginary catastrophe that real climate trends suggest is simply not going to happen. Read more here.

Posted on 06/06 at 04:29 PM
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