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Saturday, October 16, 2010
Greens Target Churches - Cornwall Alliance Sounds Warning on TV’s Glenn Beck

By Dr. Calvin Beisner, Cornwall Alliance

Cornwall Alliance Founder and National Spokesman Dr. Cal Beisner announced initial release of Cornwall’s Resisting the Green Dragon 12-lecture DVD series on Fox News Channel’s Glenn Beck” Friday.”

Resisting the Green Dragon full promo from Cornwall Alliance on Vimeo.

Beisner was a guest with Beck along with WallBuilders President David Barton to discuss how the Green movement infiltrates churches, targeting children and youth especially. Conversation focused on Sunday school and group study curriculum produced by a group calling itself GreenFaith, supported by the Tides Foundation, a liberal organization closely linked with financier George Soros, who has also supported the efforts of Jim Wallis and Sojourners to promote Leftist notions of social justice, wealth redistribution, and wealth equalization.

Beck, Barton, and Beisner discussed the ways in which GreenFaith’s curriculum, “Let There Be . . . Stuff?” promoted unbiblical ideas as if they were Biblical, such as saying, “When we drink, we owe a debt to the earth’s great waters” - not, as Christians would say, to God who made the great waters. “We opened our hearts to creation,” Beisner quoted the curriculum saying - not to Jesus Christ.

Beisner pointed out that the curriculum seeks to frighten young people by alarmist claims that the “stuff” we produce and consume is “poisoning us,” despite the fact that the vast majority of things produced aren’t poisonous, those that are poisonous are safe when properly used, and the steady increases in human health and life expectancy over the 250 years since the start of the Industrial Revolution indicate that the benefits of industrialization and production outweigh the risks to humanity.

Barton explained how environmentalism reverses the priorities of the Biblical, Judeo-Christian hierarchy of creation. While the Bible presents a hierarchy starting with inanimate Earth and rising through plants, fish, birds, and animals to man as the highest of God’s creatures, with the others intended to serve humanity as well as display God’s glorious power and wisdom, environmentalism puts man at the bottom and works its way up to Earth, the preservation of which becomes the highest priority.

In response to Beck’s asking why the Greens were so vigorously targeting churches and synagogues, Barton and Beisner pointed out that conservative, Bible-based religious groups have consistently been the most skeptical American population segment of Progressivism in general and of environmentalist claims of crises and catastrophes in particular. As a result, the Left has recognized the importance of getting more conservative religious groups to endorse its ideas and policies.

Beisner explained that Resisting the Green Dragon provides a Biblically faithful alternative to the often pagan, New Age, Eastern pantheist, or secular atheist views of the Green movement.

The lecture series is now available and can be ordered here, where visitors can also sign up for a free 12-minute preview video.

Beck’s program airs at 5 p.m. Eastern time (2 p.m. Pacific time) on Fox News Channel in most markets. The Friday programs often are repeated once or twice over the weekend. Viewers should check listings to confirm air times in their areas.

Landmark Documents from the Cornwall Alliance
An Evangelical Declaration on Global Warming (2009) and Prominent Signers

Posted on 10/16 at 05:36 AM
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