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Saturday, November 22, 2008
NBC Universal and The Today Show: Green Is The Color Of Money

By Meteorologist Art Horn

Well here we go again. NBC (read General Electric) has just completed another “green week” on the Today show and every other channel that is part of the NBC Universal chain. They even had to drum beat the “Oh the world is ending because humans cause global warming” on their Sunday night football half time show. Having worked for NBC for 20 years I can just imagine being in the booth with Al Michaels and John Madden as they roll their collective eyes at having to plug this whole green thing during a football game. I can see Madden saying “Yea, green like the green on the field, looks fine to me, boom! Let’s get back to football, this is a football game right?” But remember General Electric is pushing green big time.

They make all kinds of products that they hope will sell in a greener economy like wind turbines. Now that’s ok, nothing wrong with making some money but whole thing is just so phony. Just look at what’s happening at the Weather Channel. NBC Universal recently bought the Weather Channel and now the winds of change are blowing hard north of Atlanta. Up to 80 people are being let go with the biggest casualty being the dreadful Forecast Earth program with Dr. Heidi Cullen. This program was one of the best examples of global warming fear mongering ever. It now finds its final resting place where it belongs, out in the cold!

I find it interesting that during the same week that NBC Universal goes green they shut down the most obvious green show they own. This proves that the message of “going green” is not what it appears to be. It’s about moving product and profit. The ratings for Forecast Earth were in the tank so as always happens in television it gets the hook if the ratings are not up to expectations. There is nothing wrong with this, its business. Television programs must have audience to make money. But this move highlights the fact that “going green” is not about the environment or concern for global warming consequences, it’s about money.

There will be another green week I hear sometime down the road. With green stocks crashing and concern about the economy and the real world overtaking the global warming fantasy GE will be pushing harder than ever to “go green” It’s just not the same green that’s being pushed on the air. Being an employee at NBC Universal must be very trying if you’re not a global warming soldier. But the orders are clear, go green and get eyeballs or else. Read more here

Posted on 11/22 at 10:55 PM
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