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Thursday, June 14, 2007
Where’s the Beef (Heat)?

By Joe D’Aleo, Icecap

Because of a report that was blogged by Joe Bastardi of Accuweather that indicated no record daily June highs for Iowa were in recent decades, we took a look for ourselves at the Des Moines records and look what we found for number of record highs by decade for June and July.


It is very clear that the 1930s stand out with a total of 33 days during the two month period. Both the 1910s and 1950s had 7 days. 1988 made an impressive showing in June with 5 days. July was hot that year but the 1930s were hotter. There were more records set in the 1880s (4) than in the last 20 years (0).  For Des Moines, Iowa at least record daily June and July highs show no propensity for increasing in this so-called global warming era.

For a report with larger images and a total for June and July graphic see Des_Moines_June and July_Records

Posted on 06/14 at 04:25 PM
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